Save the Last Dance For Me -- style

Started by DrakeM, Mar 15, 2020, 10:44 AM

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I am looking for the style for the song ... "Save the Last Dance For Me" ... that is used in this video.

This video was posted in 2011, so he must be playing a T4 or older Tyros. I have gone through my Latin styles and haven't found this intro yet. It might be a 3rd party commercial style he purchased but was hoping it was an older Yamaha style.

I am posting this request in case the style can be shared before I attempt to start on a custom song style from scratch to do the song.



Hi Drake,

I'm pretty sure that the style used in the video is from the German company Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, which they still sell for € 5,50.

Here is a link to the relevant page on their website.

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Listen to the GM demo!



ludo willems

hopelijk kan ik je hier mee van dienst zijn kijkt ook een op dit andere forum.

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