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Usage of User styles for Song Recording?

Started by PSR-USR-IND, Mar 06, 2020, 04:02 AM

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Hi Everyone,
    Can anyone answer, whether User Styles or any external styles can be used for song recording through Step Recording?
  From PSR-3000 to PSR-S975, if any external styles are saved in User area, we can use those styles through Step Recording method. I tried the same procedure in SX series keyboards. The styles other than Preset styles are not working.
Any other methods?
Onacimus Sahayam
My Styles


I tried it a while back. Couldn't record songs using step song record , using a user style.

I thought it worked in my s950.
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


I found this  vid tutorial, with thanks to the producer

Maybe that procedure is helpful?
My best regards,


The same problem have also the Genos user in step recording.
(You cannot choose an external/user style for step recording)
I don't know if it was fixed there with the update.
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Hello everybody!

I know that companies have rights to the patent of their products and services, respect this theme, but a question:
Does it still make any sense for tracks 11-16 of styles to be lock?

When word fail, Music speaks!

Wim NL

Enildo and Ton

The tread is about Access to user styles in Song record > Step Recording.

See also Genos : Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Not about modify a User style.
Best Regards,


My best regards,


Some body should make a note to YAMAHA. So that it may be rectified in the next updates.
Onacimus Sahayam
My Styles

Wim NL

Not working with favorite.

Please report every one with this issue to support.
May be then it will  help.
I have done this several times.
First time when the Genos came out.
Best Regards,