suggested stand for a SX900

Started by anon125, Mar 05, 2020, 03:08 PM

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I like the Yamaha L3C Attachable Keyboard Stand for PSR  but the 900 does not have the holes for it.
dealer suggests ( of course) the Yamaha L7B Stand for Genos Arranger Workstation  which is 4 times the price.
we dont like the X ones.


For about $70 bucks, I don't think you can buy a sturdier stand than "Knox Gear Z Style Heavy Duty Adjustable Piano Keyboard Stand".  Looks like Amazon is sold out but you can still purchase from a 3rd party.

I have a similar one of these: Neewer Collapsible Piano Keyboard Stand.  and it's pretty sturdy.  I now have my new PSR SX700 on it.  But either one should do nicely.

I don't like the X types either as they don't seem very sturdy, plus you can't put anything under them.  I have a Logitech  Z623 2.1 System  (one mentioned here somewhere) with subwoofer, and the woofer is underneath.  With the subwoofer on one side and the piano bench on the other, it works out nicely.

PS.  I don't know if you're allowed to put links here but to be safe did not.  You can look them up at Amazon.

Hope this helps

Toril S

You are allowed to put links here, so just go ahead :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: Toril S on Mar 05, 2020, 05:49 PM
You are allowed to put links here, so just go ahead :)

Thanks Toril!

I just looked up the Yamaha L7B keyboard stand ... OUCH!  That's a bunch of money for something not much more sturdier than the ones I'm suggesting.

Here are my links:

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Like I said, I have a similar one like the one below (looks like a table) and have had it since i've owned the PSR S900 and have never had any problems.


I have had these for years,and find them as good as the other types,with the added advantage of having plenty of leg room,as I use  different pedals.



I like the on-Stage Stands Z model:
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and they have a 2nd tier model as well...
I have the 2 tier model

I agree no X models


Knox Gear Z Style Heavy Duty Adjustable Piano Keyboard Stand
by Knox
4.7 out of 5 stars 549 ratings
Price:    CDN$ 196.08 FREE SHIPPING

Neewer Collapsible Piano Keyboard Stand for 61-key / 76-key / 88-key Keyboard with Adjustable Height from 25.6″to 43.3″/65cm to 110cm and Length from 29″to 44.5″/73cm to 113cm, Black CDN$ 217.79

these are the prices in Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login canada!


LINK  led to Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
i use Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login that i wrote I use


OK, I'm going to try and link some of my keyboard stand photos in Amazon cloud.
The last time worked but only if I were signed in to Amazon.  Not a good idea for peeps to be able to manipulate my pics.

So let's try this again.

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As I said, the towels are there to protect from humidity in which I have had to replace some circuit boards in my old PSR S900.
Have not had any problems since using the towels and hopefully it protects my new PSR SX700.  So if the 700 looks good on top ,so will the 900.


saw the picks
do not know which stands you use.


Quote from: anon125 on Mar 06, 2020, 02:50 PM
saw the picks
do not know which stands you use.

This one: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Similar to the one for around $86.00 in this link.

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Even has good reviews 72% 5 stars.  15% 4 stars  = 87% approval rating:  Pretty hard to beat.

The problem I would have with the Z stands (JMO) is that if it's in the middle of a room, the back end looks like it may tip over if a young child tried to hang on it.  Don't know, just looks that way to me.




Here in Brazil when it comes to beauty and professionalism the musicians use this model.

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It is dismountable and very light, as it is made of aluminum.
When word fail, Music speaks!

