PSR S770 Note on data recieved at Midi input being cut off before key release.

Started by stevehdj, Feb 29, 2020, 03:18 PM

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 I have a particular issue with a Maudio 61ES and Yamaha PSR S770. When sending the 5 pin midi output of the 61ES into the PSR770, notes will cut out before releasing key(s) on the 61. This is random, sometime happens and sometimes not, sometimes on the same key(s). However when connecting midi cable form 61ES to a Roland BK7M or Ipad with Line 6 midi mobilizer there are no issues. I have reset the Yamaha to factory settings but no positive affect. Also the 61ES works ok when connecting USB out to Ipad or PC. I do not believe this to be a   polyphony issue as it will happen with only one key held down at a time.  Appreciate any and all comments that may resolve this issue.



On some keyboard to keyboard or keyboard to DAW connections, there can be MIDI echo loops between the two ends that literally swamp the connections with MIDI feedback streams.  Go into the PSR-S770's MIDI setup menu and see if LOCAL is ON.  If so, turn it OFF, and see if that resolves your problem.  If you do this, and later want to use the S770 on its own, don't forget to turn LOCAL back ON, or you will not get any sound out of it.  I suspect on your other equipment, LOCAL is already OFF, or by its very design, does not echo incoming MIDI data back to its source to begin with.

If the above is NOT the problem, then it would appear that something is generating errant NOTE OFF messages.  While I can see maladjusted DAW software doing this, I can not think of anything on the S770 that would do this, and if the 61ES were at fault, you would see it with your other equipment.

Best of luck!



Thanks I was hoping it was something simpler than this can I play the song. Record it as a new song and at the right bar push the 970 fade out. Effectively creating a new version?


Or when recording turn the song volume down at the correct measure



If you have made entries, that do not apply, to a particular (wrong) thread, it is best to just go back to those entries and click on the "X Remove" button at the upper right of each one of the errant entries.  That leaves that thread in a much more "pristine" condition for any others who may be trying to follow it.



Roy,  Not sure how those threads got into this discussion but I will delete them


Roy,  After I replied first time the X button went away on all the errant threads, oh well. 

With regard to your original suggestions thanks,  I tried with local off on the PSR and the problem still occurs.  Even if it did fix the problem I would not be able to keep local off as my intent is to have the PSR as upper manual and the Maudio as lower,  both being played as an organ setup. I  changed muadio output to different midi channels and the problem remains .  Also i did some additional test using my Technics organ midi output as the input to the PSR and all was good, no problems as when using the Maudio as the input keyboard.  SO this is very strange, Yamaha acts ok when using the midi out of another keyboard.  And when using the Maudio midi output to other midi modules and ipad all works ok too.  ONlLY when I have the Maudio midi output directly into PSR midi input does the problem occur.  I have a tech support question into Yamaha ,  hopefully they will have some positive feedback.  Thanks Steve