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John Barry Sound

Started by terrykinross, Feb 18, 2020, 10:25 AM

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Hi All , Would anyone have registrations or styles sound in the John Barry sound at all please ?? . I know it's a big ask but you never know , Many thanks  Terry .


John Barry was one of my favorite (movie) composers. In order to give suggestions, we need to know what songs are you interested in playing. "Somewhere in Time," "Dances with Wolves," are very different from James Bond Movies and "Born Free." 

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 24 "Dances With Wolves" midi files for you, Terry.  :)

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My best regards,

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Hi All , Thank you Roger for the midi files which I will listen too later today . John I think you your right when it comes down to John Barry music so I'm more hoping to get a sound similar to John Barry orchestrally I think if possible ?? Terry



Here is a link for my JB registrations zipped. All use preset styles except 'Born Free' which is included in the zip file.

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JB is also one of my favourite composers. Unfortunately of the approximate 80 films John scored very little sheet music is available.

I was very fortunate to meet John on a number of occasions in the 70s before he left the UK to live in Mallorca and ended up living in Oyster Bay Long Island.

I will always remember a very late recording session in London (into the early hours of the morning), which John invited me too, of the closing title sequence from the film 'The Tamarind Seed'.  Great memories!



Hi ,
My favourite composer also, not so much the Bond movies, but the soundtracks from chaplain, somewhere in time, indecent proposal etc were hauntingly beautiful.
Such a pity the the lack of sheet music available. Only ever managed to find 3 or 4.
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


Hi Marty , Thank you so much for your John Barry collection is very much appreciated and will keep me happy for a while now  regards Terry .


Hi Marty, John Barry is one of my favourite composers too, I listen to his recordings a lot.
I've downloaded your file and unzipped it onto a USB but they won't load on my T5. In fact I've put it on the USB twice, the 2nd time I put it in the root directory. Both times I have a message saying data not loaded properly. Have I done something wrong or are they for Genos or PSR?



The registrations were from my PSR s770 if that helps.


ah, thanks Marty, that probably explains it.