Moving songs in Registrations

Started by shadowhankron, Feb 12, 2020, 03:56 AM

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Delighted with myself on now able to create Registrations a. Thing never done before by myself.
Since buying the Genos I have made many groups of registrations, but would like to transfer a song from Reg 3 to Reg 8 and so on transferring more over time can anyone help please how to do this.
Kind regards

Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.


Watch the video. This allows you to combine registrations between multiple banks. If you use the pink Move DOwn button, Move Up moves registrations within one bank.
Watch my video channel

Fred Smith

If they're in the same bank, it's easy:
1. Load Reg3
2. Memory>Reg8
3. Save

If they're in different banks:
1. Load Reg3
2. Load target bank. DON'T load any of its buttons
3. Memory>Reg8
4. Save

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thanks ckobu for the reply

Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.


Hi Fred

I think I asked question wrong meaning Bank 3  with a song Registration 3 needs to transfer to Bank 8. I now realise that In Registrations  1::10 are Banks  and Registrations are each song within that bank

Sorry for mix up but can you understand my question now

Thanks for earlier reply

Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.

Fred Smith

Quote from: shadowhankron on Feb 12, 2020, 12:08 PM
Hi Fred

I think I asked question wrong meaning Bank 3  with a song Registration 3 needs to transfer to Bank 8. I now realise that In Registrations  1::10 are Banks  and Registrations are each song within that bank

Sorry for mix up but can you understand my question now

Thanks for earlier reply


You are correct there are banks, and, on the Genos, 10 registrations within each bank. To reduce the confusion, we like to call an individual registration a button.

My response covers both situations for you.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hello Fred, again many thanks for your second reply, I will try out your idea later tonight, sorry for delay in my reply.

Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.


Thank you. Fred for your help , I tried out your second suggestion and it worked a treat ,thanks again

Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.