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Total amount of User waveform data exceeds the limit!!

Started by Ashrafamir, Feb 06, 2020, 01:26 AM

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Hi, have a Genos with update 2.0 and most of my packs are users packs and few Yamaha packs, the total ram i just reached is 2300mb and total samples less than 11000 (limit 60000 on Genos) and i can't add any content anymore!! every time i add even one sample i will get a message and it will abort saving the pack! the message is as shown in the picture:
Total amount of User waveform data exceeds the limit. Please reduce the number of selected voices.
BTW I'm not the only user who is encountering this issue, any solutions to this issue or suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you 

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This topic is covered extensively in the post below. Please refer to that

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