style recommendation for Also Sprach Zarathustra

Started by geoff5798, Jan 27, 2020, 09:44 AM

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Could somebody please recommend a suitable style for Also Sprach Zarathustra by R Strauss. It is the opening theme for 2001 AD a space Odessy. I have a Psr 775 .


It would surprise me if you could play this with a style, or if anyone would have one.


Hi geoff,
a couple of covers that may help you maybe?

Here is the opening theme with a "free style".
Read the description about fingering types he have used.
As far as I can see he is using the 3rd voice(1st of 2 split points) to play the drum sound.

Here is Deodato's jazz-funk remix of the composition played on a Genos and a Psr.
I don't know though which style is this:

Deodato's band playing live his remix:

Don't know to play the composition but I would start with the StandardRock style, Main D and  by deleting the phr 1 electric guitar.
By using the Assembly function,you could make variations of Mains with some organs from Funk/jazz/R & B styles and by keeping the drums of StandardRock's Main D.
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Thanks for the info Mikf and Panos. Some epic performances there. I loved the jazzy version. I will just play around and experiment with settings .After all the 775 is an arranger keyboard so I will try and cobble something together maybe using some of the synch type voices.

Toril S

Geoff, please upload the result in Songs played by forum members section. I am very interested in hearing it and knowing how you arranged it.😀 Not an easy piece, but oh so magnificent.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


I was thinking you were trying to produce a cover of the original version which would be pretty well impossible with a style. But of course if you  wish to produce your own  version of the theme you can choose whatever style takes your fancy. The video shows a impressive jazz funk version, but you could use anything from latin to rock - whatever you like. Not saying they would all be good, but that is your choice ;D