Transferring Expansion Voices From PSR 970 t0 SX900

Started by Bernie9, Jan 26, 2020, 04:28 AM

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I have a third party Hammond organ pack I would like to retrieve,but not sure how to do it.



All Packs you want to use on SX must be in your YEM unless they are PPI files. These you can import from USB stick but you can only use one pack at a time as the memory will format each time you load a fresh one. If the packs are in the YEM you can make an install pack of several packs at one time.


Thanks to both of you.  Now, I have to figure out what I have in the 970.  I will read the YEM manual and see if I can use it,since I don't want to be limited to one.  I have not installed YEM on either.  I guess I got ahead of myself.



When you install the YEM on your computer don't forget to then import your keyboard ID into it which will tell the programme what keyboard you have. You will now need to import any packs you have into it so you need to have these packs stored as CPF or PPF packs that you would have received when purchasing the pack. I keep all mine on USB as backup just in case I change computers and loose what is stored in my YEM. It then makes it easy to re-install them.




I think you will need your original or copy of the expansion pack you bought so you can bring it into YEM,,,to make your pack to install on SX900. You of course can combine it with others in YEM to build your install pack.


Thanks Lee
I am sure that would be the simplest,especially,since I don't want to be limited to one.  I wish I kept a record of the name and producer of this fine organ pack(3rd party).  I think that is the way to go,especially since I am not familiar with the process much. I shall search it.



There are a few Third party organ packs on the Yamaha Music Soft site. Could it have been one of these.


Maybe post a screenshot or a list of the voice names, someone might recognise it?


Thank you both. I will see what I can find on it.  As far as a screenshot is concerned,the original my still be in my old backup pc.