Installing ppi file into Yem ?

Started by Bob88, Jan 04, 2020, 09:14 PM

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   My question has probably been answered numerous times and I have read  related posts and viewed tutorials .   I still feel somewhat insecure.    I have 2 packs already
in Yem.  Cinema SP and Studio Singers.   I want to add a pack or file titled   Symphony  ppi.  Since Genos already is listed in my Yem and the file to add is ppi
I assume the process is already partly completed. If I'm correct, the ppi file will be
on a USB stick and placed in the front USB port.  So, where should I go next  and also maintain the 2 previous packs that have been installed?  Thank  you.  Bob



If you only have the new pack as a ppi then you will not be able to combine it with other packs. If you install it to genos it will overwrite the others, and you cannot load a ppi into YEM.

To combine you need to get the new pack as a ppf.file. you would need to go to whoever gave you the ppi file and ask for the ppf version.

Then you'll import the ppf file to yem, select all the packs and get yem to generate a new ppi file.  In Windows explorer copy that on a usb then install on genos.



