Genos Won't Accept A Change In Drumsets For A MIDI Song

Started by KeyboardByBiggs, Jan 02, 2020, 06:16 AM

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I'm really stumped on this one...

I have a MIDI song file and I want to use a different drumset. When I pull up the mixer and change to the drumset I want it immediately reverts back to the drumset it started with.

I've gone into the drum channel and erased all program change messages to no avail.

I also noticed it would let me change to any other GM set but none of the new Revo drums, it always jumps back.

What am I missing?
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Did you change the kit from the Mixer within the Song Creator (Song Recording - MIDI Multi Recording)?

Did you remember to open the Settings page and touch Execute making sure that Voice was checked to commit the change to the beginning of the song?

Using the above method, I have just changed the drums used in a song from a GS set to a Revo Drum set and saved the results without a problem!




When in song creator make sure you press Step record as this then lets you make alterations on the track. Find where it says Prog on track 10 then select the voice drum section and press the one you want. You will now see the one you have chosen. Just delete the original prog and then resave.

John T4

I have had this problem on my Genos, it seems to occur with midi files that might be commercial and locked in someway.
To get round this I load the midi file into the multi midi recorder, go into step mode, do nothing except press execute,
then save midi file as a new name.
then work with this file.
In the past the have been unable to change drum kit , to say the Revo drums, it goes straight back, but after doing this it seems OK.

If just pressing execute isnt enough, try actually changing something, then change back, then save

regards  John


You have to remove all the drumset voices in the track before setting your one at the start of the track
They are repeating by variation changings
Look also for sysex it can change drumtracks to