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Registration setup with Songbook+

Started by pka4916, Dec 31, 2019, 10:25 AM

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I've watched the videos from Fred  Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login    which are very helpful,  but I do have a question,  and maybe i misunderstand something

Withe Songbook+  I saved some PDF and midi files on my ipad.
So when I touch a song, it plays it on the keyboard.   But I cannot seem to get those banks to work.

do I save them on my keyboard, and then it get's selected?  or do i need to copy files to my ipad for that as well.
The video shows  starting the midi from the keyboard,  but he selected a bank already seems like it.   Does when selecting a song on the keyboard, switch the bank as well  or does it come from the ipad?

and can I do it the other way around?

Thank you

Fred Smith

My method is "keyboard controls the iPad".

A midi file is memorized in the first registration to be loaded. When loaded, the midi file executes, which sends control codes to Songbook which load the desired PDF. I have a midi file for each PDF.

The other method is "Songbook controls the keyboard" where you can get Songbook to send midi commands to the keyboard which will load a specific registration bank. This method on a Tyros by loading the nth file in the currently active folder. Hopefully it works the same way on a 975.


Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thank you Fred.

Your videos are very helpful.   I figured out the registration part,  which was super easy after all. 
Now need to find the other screens I saw in the video, where I set the numbers on the keyboard.

From what I was reading in other posts, the 975 can go both ways,  so fingers crossed. 
First need to fine the rest :)


I am stuck on the part where I need to change Song1 to Midi B in the setup.
Problem is, I don't have a Midi B there,   only  Channel 1 .. 16

Also in Song Creator,  I don't see anything under 1..16   I can't seem to add items in there.

Is there anyone else as well, who knows for the 975?


All the Yamaha players I know go from registration to songbook
Easy, press a registration and the sheet music is changed on the iPad.
This works an any YAMAHA keyboard with midi out.

What advantage is there to go the other way? Just asking.



I made a photo tutorial re: 'songbook connection' a while ago, it was downloaded 95 times, I had 2 thank-you's and 3 likes, it took me 2+ hours to put that together, as I said before, if someone come into my studio and wanted some information about a keyboard they would be welcomed, but, if they did not shake my hand on the way out and said 'thank you', then they would not be welcomed back, ever.

I see Eileen and others putting up some very useful information here, including styles etc. but has very little appreciation here, is it hard to press the "like" button, or the "thank-you" button.
Whatever help Ive had In my life I have always said 'Thank You'.



Hi Pino,
Where can I find that one?

I am playing with this all day, and I cannot seem to figure it out on my PSR 975

I saved a registration  and it's called  001-PAN.S917.RGT 
When I look at the download from the PDF I have Banks and Banks+Registration,  but they are all midi files.   (from the document from Matthias website  about Yamaha)
I've read the document a lot of times, and I am stuck with a few things,  also looked at videos  and all the same problem.

1st.   I need to save a Midi setting with only  Song1   Channel 1,    and load that every time once my keyboard boots up?
2nd   How do I link the midi's to the PDF?   From a video (from Fred),  I see something in the Song Creator that needs to be done. But I don't have the opens to enter those numbers that are
        Mentioned on page  15.

If I have a midi file  and I name it   001 mysong.mid    I select it on my keyboard, and the registration that I want.  And save it again, so the midi file is with that registration.
Then how do I call it in songbook.      Do I just at  001  to the code field ?
Cause I am still missing the link with those 3 numbers that I need to do.
Or is this for a different keyboard?   Since I don't have those options under Registration, and then  section 1..16  where those 3 entries are with those numbers

Thank you


@pino   I found the image, and gave it a like.

You show also the screen where I get stuck at.  The image at the right top.
I don't see those,  and when I do insert,  I don't have   MSB / LSB 

I see also the standard Midi file in the other post.   but what am I suppose to do with it?
select that midi file?  does it have the settings in it,  and then change it to a different midi file from what I will be playing?
and then I see the Save in Song Creator..  does that create a new midi?

Sorry for all the questions,  but this is the part where I am stuck at, all day

Thank you


When your in SongCreator. 1-16
Press any of the PIANO voices on the keyboard panel
That should give you a small midi file
Change the values from there to suit your song


Not sure if I am doing it right, but nothing happens.

Going into song creator,  going to 1..16   select a piano instrument, press any key   and nothing.

I am talking about this picture.   I am not getting any of that..  mine only has 1 entry  and I can add to it,  but nothing with those names.

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Fred Smith

Quote from: pka4916 on Jan 01, 2020, 09:44 AM
Not sure if I am doing it right, but nothing happens.

Going into song creator,  going to 1..16   select a piano instrument, press any key   and nothing.

I am talking about this picture.   I am not getting any of that..  mine only has 1 entry  and I can add to it,  but nothing with those names.

Go to the zfilter, and select All.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Tried that too, and no difference.
I cannot get those names to show up..   only 2 columns with numbers.

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If i just add the 001 to the code field,  i am able to bring up the pdf  once I hit stop first and then play on the keyboard.
But if I select a different bank,  it still brings up the same pdf.  even though the bank is called 002
Also the midi file does not change for it.

Fred Smith

Quote from: pka4916 on Jan 01, 2020, 04:48 PM
If i just add the 001 to the code field,  i am able to bring up the pdf  once I hit stop first and then play on the keyboard.
But if I select a different bank,  it still brings up the same pdf.  even though the bank is called 002
Also the midi file does not change for it.

If you are using the "keyboard controls Songbook" methoc, dou need a different midi file for each pdf.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Well, I guess I don't understand what I need to do with those Midi files.
I downloaded the page from Matthias.
There is a Registration  folder with all the midi's
and Bank + Registration
Resp.    songbook_100.mid    and  songbook_100.1.mid

Nowhere I find where to use those files with, and what it's for.   
I can select it as a Normal Midi file  but that doesn't do me any good..  still need my music midi file.

Also the saving of a registration, I am getting a different file   001-PAN.S917.RGT   (I called the registration  001-PAN)

All I know from Matthias that you only need the code field  for the 001 - 500.  and from there it's doing it's thing.   but it always select 001 for some reason,  when I select a PDF on my ipad.
so it doesn't change the registration.

Either I am completely stupid or I don't see what I am missing here.   Thought this was an easy process..  But from the screens I've seen,  those are all Tyros screens, and they are different for the 975

So I guess..
1.  Where are the midi files for. 
2.  on the PSR  I switch banks with the Bank - and + button.  if I go  in the menu I can select 1 but I always need to hit Exit.
3.  When I select the pdf on the ipad,  it won't switch until I hit stop on the keyboard first, and then play, so it plays the midi on my keyboard
4.  The numbering...   in the document it says  001- name    or  001 name  for the registration.  or does the number be at the end.
5.  Midi files I have seen are either 001 name.mid or  name 001.mid     does it matter?
6.  What is the purpose of the blank midi files,  do I load it as a midi?   but then I still need to select my other midi,  so  I don't see any changes anywhere?


Fred Smith

1. Those files are for the "Songbook controls the keyboard" method.

You need to decide which method you're going to use. That will make your life a lot simpler.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


ok, then let's do the keyboard controls the songbook

Fred Smith

Then the files you downloaded are useless. You need to create a midi file for each PDF you want loaded.

In my Songbook video on YouTube, in the comments section, there is a sample midi file you can download and use it as a template.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


ok, got your file,  once i select it, I see those 3 items.

now what?   when I replace it with my midi file,  then those 3 items are gone again. 
How do i get those setting for my midi file so i can save it all.


Al Ram

Quote from: Pino on Dec 31, 2019, 11:14 PM
All the Yamaha players I know go from registration to songbook
Easy, press a registration and the sheet music is changed on the iPad.
This works an any YAMAHA keyboard with midi out.

What advantage is there to go the other way? Just asking.


To answer your question . . .

In my case, I control the keyboard registrations from the iPad/Songbook+  . . . for me, the big advantage is that i have my playlists in the iPad using Songbook+ . . .   (I do not use the Genos playlist feature . . . i use the Songbook+ playlist feature).

I have or can easily create many different playlists depending on the occasion . . .  so,  i just need to call the desired playlist on the SongBook/iPad and from there control the registrations and the entire gig.  SongBook+ also allows me to quickly search genre, artists, or many different ways on the fly very quickly . . . . . once i get the desired entry, just need to select it and it automatically loads the PDF and the registration at once in a matter of seconds.

The other method is also great, but this way works wonders for me. Virtually no downtime.

San Diego/Tijuana


Now I am reading this,  that's  how I wanted to do as well.
I'm assuming it's playing the midi files that are stored on the keyboard.


Al Ram

I have the Genos keyboard . . .. the method is different because with Genos you do not need the midi files to link the PDF's to the keyboard registration.   

Not sure if your keyboard model can do the same as Genos.

You are better off following advise provided by Fred's and others. Their advise is more specific for your keyboard model. 

I was just trying to answer Pino's question as to why other people would use the 'songbook controls keyboard' method.

San Diego/Tijuana


I've been trying that lol.

but those midi files, are kicking my butt...  then don't seem to change at all,  and then the fact that I still need to select the midi file i want to play. 

But bought a cable to get rid of the wifi connection,   maybe that's a part of the problem here.


So, I hooked up the cable,  and when I press a song, it plays the midi (that is IN songbook+)  and I see the items changing. (if I leave the midi file out on Songbook) then only the bank changes. (for whole numbers)
(if I use  001.2, and I have a bank name called 001.2 test)   it will not switch but  001 test  or 002 hello   will switch)

I did step a, but I don't see anything in the viewer when I press any keys on the keyboard.

So, then then I am back where it all started lol.

When I save a bank,   the midi file that I save with it,  doesn't get attached to it.   If I select any other bank,  then the same midi file is still showing

I'm not using any of the midi files, that is available online,  since I have no clue what to do with it.   I select it as a song, and if I save a bank,  the midi doesn't change for that bank.  (I have checked my settings) and  I am saving everything, but I don't see midi file as one of the options if there is any)

Do I still need those MBL / and those other 2 items ? (for that midi roll?,  I think I saw somewhere that that was more for Tyros)

I am using a converter cable from USB-C to USB,   and then my  USB cable to like a Printer square connector cable)


Al Ram
I totally agree with you, whatever works then use it,
It's like learning a song with difficult chords, first few attempts does not go well, play it 50 times and the 'muscle memory' kicks in and it gets easy, the most important word when gigging is EASY, everything has to look easy and fun.

I do mainly restaurant work, my preferred way of playing is 20 minutes of non stop music, stop few minutes followed by another 20 minutes of non stop music and then I take a 15 minute rest break.

The playlist on the SX or Genos would be of no use to me as there is too much scrolling and navigation so I use a different method, the SongBook playlist is good but takes too long to move my hand to the iPad screen and back again to play the song, the registration button is works quicker for me.

I use what I have been using since the PSR 3000 of many years ago, I load in a registration bank, that gives me 50 song options for my first non-stop 20 minutes, the font is much bigger and clearer on this method (SX photo) I can load the next song as I am playing the 1st song, when I finish playing the first song then I press the registration button and straight into another song and SongBook has the sheet music ready to go.

Here's a few songs from my BigBand Registration folder, I play live, the only programming is registrations, the only styles I have ever used is what is on the keyboard, Im not an expert with big band and it's only a small part of my repertoire but some songs I have to include on a restaurant gig.


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Pka, I didn't understand your post
When you said "done"
I thought you had cracked it


oh you asked me to create a folder.
that's what I did.

but I see that post is gone now.