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Bonners demo of CVP 809

Started by tangothomas, Dec 26, 2019, 03:06 PM

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Tony does a good demonstration of the CVP 809.


Wow! probably the best demo I've heard so far, also very good is the one by CoachHousePianos, available on U-tube.
Having listened again to these and the E-Pianos demo I feel my choice of the CVP805 is justified.
Just heard it's being delivered tomorrow, so happy times ahead  ;D

Toril S

Great demo! But this instrument is over double the price of a Genos! I am not a good pianist, so I cannot really justify getting this one, as I already have an acoustic piano and a Genos.. But I was awestruck, I admit that! IYamaha, you make beautiful instruments!!!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Toril S
Like you, I am not a good pianist, in fact I need all the help I can get, hence my interest in the CVP range. I have to say, if you were to sit me in front of a normal acoustic piano, then I would be absolutely useless.

I think the UK dealership do themselves & their customers a slight dis-service, by concentrating all their efforts/demos etc, on the top of the range model.
The 809 I believe starts at around £7.2k and rises to almost £13k depending in finish etc, which to many of us is, quite simply beyond our means.
Whereas the 805 starts at a tad over £4.5k, which to my mind , represents far better value for money, certainly less than twice the cost of a Genos?

I accept that the 805 does not have quite as many voices/styles and one or two features less, but to my ears it sounds virtually the same.
I said recently in another post, that much of my playing is on headphones, due to living in a semi, so the superior amplification/speakers of the 809 would be lost on me.
My 605 has stood be well for the last 5 years or so and I look forward to getting my fingers on the upgraded model, hopefully tomorrow. ;D