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Midi two keyboards

Started by Hammond Yamaha, Dec 18, 2019, 07:24 PM

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Hammond Yamaha

I have a tyros 4 modi's to a Hammond SK2.  It is working but I need to know how to cancel out the piano voice from the tyros as it is sounding with the left and right part.  I need to control only the left side of the tyros containing the bass rhythm and drum back up but I want to set up the organ not to play the  right side of the tyros.  A few years ago, I used to midi 3 Yamaha keyboards and control only the left /  lower side by one keyboard and have all 3 set up to play different voices on the right / upper side.
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you



Turn the R1-R2-R3 buttons to OFF on the Tyros
