EMC StyleWorks & Style-to-the-Box and-or-StyleMagic?

Started by Dave Nuttall, Dec 13, 2019, 07:56 AM

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Dave Nuttall

Before my time on earth runs out, I'm thinking of a "new year resolution" that will culminate in being able to take a MIDI song and create a reasonable facsimile STYLE of that song for the GENOS that I purchased a couple days ago.  (It's still enroute from the warehouse).

I have EMC StyleWorks YA keyed to Tyros 3 and the related "Styles-to-the-Box" that thinks it can migrate Band-In-A-Box styles to Yamaha.
Also, I have StyleMagic.

I know there are some tutorials and software that Jorgen and Michael B. (and others) have created that do some parts of style creation/migration/alteration. 

What would be helpful is as short a list as practical of what to do with the various tools to take a MIDI song and "extract" a style for the GENOS (and others who might want to use my results).

Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.


Hi Dave,
I never had a great deal of luck creating styles from song midi files.  Probably has  a lot to do with the midi file you choose in the first place. The type of songs I like probably didn't have enough rhythmic parts to create a decent style from.

My PA4x actually had an inbuilt conversion program, took a minute or two to do one. Some people managed to get reasonable results, I never did, hence I think my  choice of midi file may have had a lot to do with my poor results.

Maybe try EMC first.  Did try it a few times years back,  at the time I didn't fully understand what settings to choose.
Currently don't have mine up and running, hardly ever use it. 

I have StyleMagic, but still haven't gotten round to trying it, really only bought it as a possible style editor, so not sure  how it works, next years projectf for me.
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022

Joe H


You might try the Yamaha version of Style Factory from EMC. Klaus will try to talk you into buying StyleWorks, but Style Factory is a better program for making styles from other styles. The program includes a database of style parts but you can add your own style parts to Style Factory from existing styles too. It has voice files for Tyros 3 and 4 and Genos I believe. Klaus won't be adding anymore support for PSR arrangers... at least that's what he told me.  I agree with rikki on making styles from song files.  Results are not good with any program because song files don't have the right motifs (phrases) to construct style parts, we have to transpose the parts to CMaj 7 scale.

See the details here:

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You can buy it here: (Select Yamaha)

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BTW... The next StyleMagic update will include Exporting and Importing individual style Parts in the same way that we can Export and Import style Sections.  But I think Style Factory will be much easier because it has a database built in that you can add to.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html

Dave Nuttall

Joe H: (& Rikki)
I already own Style Works, so I'm not "vulnerable" to that pitch! lol.
I'll take a long look at this new "thing".

I see the "wisdom" regarding MIDI songs-to-styles that you and Rikki point out.

I'm going into "pause" to research the EMC concept.

Thanks to you both!
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.


Hi Dave,
I noticed you  mentioned your EMC is for Tyros 3?

I haven't used my universal version in years, but, unless there was a major upgrade,  normal updates used to be free.
Might be worth checking out.

From memory ( mines not loaded in at the moment) you actually pick the sections    Ie the bars you want to convert to the various style parts.
You also choose a setting, which controls the degree of  transposing required for the notes to be suitable for the style. Ie 15 to 20 years ago the Yamaha styles were very basic, I was always under the impression the notes would have to be strictly transposed ( converted ) to fit the cmaj7th chord  for variations and fills. May or may not still be the case, but just try a couple of the different settings.
In hindsight , I think I may have had mine on too strong a setting  and it turned the style into a bland mess.

Have fun
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022