im looking for a nice warm sound using venus piano with strings or synth strings

Started by kamatihno, Dec 11, 2019, 11:03 AM

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it must be venus piano and synth strings or electric piano and strings/synth strings.... it is for playing during church service


i sometimes use cool galaxy (11 on e443) and strings(69 on e443) but dont get the sound that i want


You just have to experiment - it's not possible for anyone else to know what sound you are after.


it would have been great if there was someone who already used those type of combinations in the past


What is it about the sound that you don't like?

Remember you can adjust the filter cutoff on the main or dual voice to soften it a bit.


its too light and does not have depth.... i want the sound to be broad.... maybe i dont add enough reverb as well as tune my pan settings correctly


perhaps i can give u links to two videos so that you can look at them and have an idea of the sound i want


Just off the top of my head, I'm thinking effects. Maybe try a different chorus type? Maybe try the ECHO harmony effect? A short ECHO effect might add more depth without increasing the reverb depth.

All the best -- pj


i really want something similar to this 1st option


one os these two: (something that sounds similar to the intro of this song

and finally (something that sounds similar to the sound of the main keyboard)

it would be great if you can just give me a heads up with the type of voices i must be looking at, so that i try combining them and see what i can get out of them


To be honest, I watched the videos you posted but I struggled to hear what part of the sound you were trying to match. Is there a way you can isolate just that part?


Quote from: DerekA on Dec 20, 2019, 09:10 AM
To be honest, I watched the videos you posted but I struggled to hear what part of the sound you were trying to match. Is there a way you can isolate just that part?

yes i can definately do that




That second song is shorter in the previous post. Here's a longer version

[attachment deleted by admin]


I listened to those latest clips, and I'm having trouble determining which sound you are going after.  I hear a sort of piano/guitar sound at the beginning, but it doesn't seem to be combined with a string sound.  But then the main melody sounds more like a trumpet or horn.  If it is that main melody sound you are going after, then you could start with the sweet trumpet and maybe use the filter, chorus, and reverb to zero in on the sound.

As far as getting more depth from a sound, a couple years ago, we were discussing ways to get a good pipe organ sound out of a PSR-E400 series keyboard on this forum.  We came up with combining two pipe organ sounds at different octaves (using main and dual voices), panning one voice toward the left and the other toward the right, and adding flanger-chorus (use the slower of the two flangers).  So, maybe try adding those effects (panning and flanger) to the sounds you have been combining and see how that works.  A little bit of reverb would also probably help.
Current: Yamaha PSR-E433 (x2), Roland GAIA SH-01, Casio CDP-200R, Casio MT-68 (wired to bass pedals)
Past: Yamaha PSR-520, PSR-510, PSR-500, DX-7, D-80 home organ, and a few Casios


Hi kamatihno,
I don't have an E series but for a "soft" trumpet kind of sound you van search for
French Horns
Soft Horns
Symphony Horns
Soft Brass
Symphony Brass
Soft Trombones
and of course Soft Trumpet.

For a "soft" Venus kind of sound search for an electric piano sound(EP) like
Suitcase EP
Tremolo EP

For a "soft" strings sound it should be either is as "Strings" either as "Synthstrings"

If a sound is still too "harsh" after applying some effects and changing the "cut off" as DereKa said, then is time to go to the Pad category where all the "soft" but kind of synthi sound of organs are.

So instead of using strings you can  use something like LightPad, SoftEnseble,Butterstrings(the butter we eat is soft.... by default ;D ) etc.
As for soft piano kind of sounds combined with a pad sound there are usually sounds called like Sweet Heaven,Dream Heaven and  Heaven in general.
There must be something on an E series model from this category of sounds to work with.

Don't forget that you can apply two similar kind of sounds(with proper volumes,panning,octaves and effects) to achieve just one nice sound.
I mean that Voice 1 and Voice 2 don't always have to be two different kind of organs.
Could be similar sounds or even the same sound.(As SciNote suggested)
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Quote from: SciNote on Dec 21, 2019, 02:18 AM
I listened to those latest clips, and I'm having trouble determining which sound you are going after.  I hear a sort of piano/guitar sound at the beginning, but it doesn't seem to be combined with a string sound.  But then the main melody sounds more like a trumpet or horn.  If it is that main melody sound you are going after, then you could start with the sweet trumpet and maybe use the filter, chorus, and reverb to zero in on the sound.

As far as getting more depth from a sound, a couple years ago, we were discussing ways to get a good pipe organ sound out of a PSR-E400 series keyboard on this forum.  We came up with combining two pipe organ sounds at different octaves (using main and dual voices), panning one voice toward the left and the other toward the right, and adding flanger-chorus (use the slower of the two flangers).  So, maybe try adding those effects (panning and flanger) to the sounds you have been combining and see how that works.  A little bit of reverb would also probably help.

thanks will definately try this and give feedback


Quote from: panos on Dec 21, 2019, 04:08 AM
Hi kamatihno,
I don't have an E series but for a "soft" trumpet kind of sound you van search for
French Horns
Soft Horns
Symphony Horns
Soft Brass
Symphony Brass
Soft Trombones
and of course Soft Trumpet.

For a "soft" Venus kind of sound search for an electric piano sound(EP) like
Suitcase EP
Tremolo EP

For a "soft" strings sound it should be either is as "Strings" either as "Synthstrings"

If a sound is still too "harsh" after applying some effects and changing the "cut off" as DereKa said, then is time to go to the Pad category where all the "soft" but kind of synthi sound of organs are.

So instead of using strings you can  use something like LightPad, SoftEnseble,Butterstrings(the butter we eat is soft.... by default ;D ) etc.
As for soft piano kind of sounds combined with a pad sound there are usually sounds called like Sweet Heaven,Dream Heaven and  Heaven in general.
There must be something on an E series model from this category of sounds to work with.

Don't forget that you can apply two similar kind of sounds(with proper volumes,panning,octaves and effects) to achieve just one nice sound.
I mean that Voice 1 and Voice 2 don't always have to be two different kind of organs.
Could be similar sounds or even the same sound.(As SciNote suggested)

thanks alot will try all different kinds of combinations and give feedback next week


You can spend a lot of time looking for the absolute right sound when the real secret is in how it is played. If you are trying to use rh voice with a split around middle C, then it may lack depth. If you play two handed across the whole keyboard with nice bass notes then the whole depth of the sound changes. The trouble is we are trying to guess what you want from listening to others, why dont you post you playing so we know what you are doing and how to give it more depth.


i play using rh voice with the split voice on the left around 59..... will upload a short video tommorow


Why not just go to those YouTube links, and in their comments section, tell them that you are very much interested in their music and see if you can establish contact with their keyboard player that way, but DO NOT post email addresses publicly.  Just find out what type of keyboard voice (sound) is being used: epiano: rhodes, wurly, etc or pad, or organ, or strings, or brass, and so on.  Then see if you can get the specifics - what mfr and model keyboard, and specific voice name or sample names, if it is a user voice, are being used.  Also what effects, if any, are being used.  All of this can be used to narrow the possibilities down to something useful. Might not go anywhere, but could also get you a life-long friend that you would have otherwise never had.  See if they have a facebook presence.  That would be easier than working through YouTube comments, and would certainly be better than all this second guessing that doesn't seem to be getting you anywhere positive.  C'mon Sherlock: put on your deerstalker hat and go at it ! ! !  8)

Good luck!



thanx everyone i got in contact with the keyboardist in the video. he told me he's using funky piano with strings....