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YEM connection problem

Started by Rick D., Dec 02, 2019, 06:09 PM

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Rick D.

Hi Guys,
I am trying to get my YEM working on a windows 10 PC to a Genos. I have the Genos connected to my home network and my PC is connected to the same network.
I brought my instrument information via USB to the YEM software and imported it. It is now showing up on the left side of window. I select the pack I want to install and check off all the files in the pack I want to send to the instrument. With the Genos turned on and connected to the wifi, I click on the Send to Instrument button in top right of window and after a few moments it says Unable to establish connection. Am I missing anything?

Rick D.

Dave Nuttall

I'm having the same issue.
Just posted the question before I found this item.
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.

Rick D.


I kept trying and it fixed itself. I made no changes, and all of a sudden it connected and I was able to load my packs.

Rick D.

Dave Nuttall

It's probably too late to figure out what may have happened/changed.
I noticed that my Genos was showing an IP address of which is the assigned address for my router.
What is strange is that I can connect to the Genos from a wireless laptop while the assigned IP address is as above.
I'm not sure what role expansion packs will play for me and I got a couple installed just to see what they were.
Thanks for your followup.
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.


I sometimes find YEM complains about not finding a wireless connection, even though everything is "connected".
Usually simply clicking on Genos at the left and trying to send again cures it.

Rick D.


I feel the same way about expansion packs. There are plenty of sounds to work with right out of the box. I only set it up to take advantage of the free ones.

Rick D.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Yes , I do find yem connection a bit touchy.
It kept disconnecting even though there was a connection.
Eventually it worked as you all say.
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.