My SX900 Style Library

Started by rikkisbears, Dec 02, 2019, 03:22 PM

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Hi All,
I spent the first few weeks of being a new sx900 owner putting together a style library for my sx900.
I had collected factory styles from psr2000 right thru to psrs970,  T1 thru to T5 over many years.
Finally decided to sort thru them as I am now a very content Yamaha owner, after 10 years of korgs.

Basically I wanted to delete identical / duplicate styles from my library and try and pick which ones sounded best on the sx900.  Basically went thru them individually rather than use software. Some surprising results.
Some instances T5 sounded better than T4, others vice versa. T series to me sounded better than psr series on the sx which was something that that surprised me.
On the odd occasion where a T series style was missing a style track ie the track was using a voice the sx didn't have, I opted for a psr equivalent style.

I didn't try and do ots , so some styles could missing them.  Personally I prefer to use piano sound if it works.

For me these missing styles are basically there as a back up if I can't find what I want on the Sx itself.

If I decide to use one , then I'll worry about tweaking it to suit. Spent too many years tweaking and converting styles I never ended up using.

Anyway like to thank Joe for putting them on the site.

Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


Hi Rikki, thank you for making your homework available. I also have to create order in my chaos: too many and also many double styles. Your library can be a first step to get mine in order. ;)
My best regards,


hi Rikki
I thank you for sharing your work ... I will have a lot to do this Christmas with the yamaha SX900 that Santa Claus will give me... (Oh! Oh! Oh!)
Aquila uno

Toril S

Aquila uno, that is provided Santa Claus can get it down the chimney😀😀😀🌲🌲.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: ton37 on Dec 02, 2019, 03:46 PM
Hi Rikki, thank you for making your homework available. I also have to create order in my chaos: too many and also many double styles. Your library can be a first step to get mine in order. ;)

You're welcome Ton.
One has to start somewhere. Haha. I'm glad I'm not into collecting user styles, or I'd probably still be sorting when the next model sx hits the market. Haha

To be quite honest, I started on the psr2000/2100 styles, but to me , they sounded pretty awful on the sx.
I didn't bother , to me they weren't going to be worth the effort of tweaking.  I might of kept a couple or so, but only because they were unique.

Basically how I worked thru mine.
I grouped  all the T 1 / T 2, psr 3000, psr s900, into folders in their genres. Played all those, deleted duplicates. Then I grouped the t3 and s910 deleted duplicates. Then t4 / s950 deleted duplicates, next T5  / s970 deleted. Duplicates.  Then I put all the ones left in genres into folders, played them , chose what I thought sounded best on sx  be it a t4 , T5  whatever.  Which left me with one copy of each style.
Finally I checked them against the  onboard sx900,  and the close to 600 I have left are not duplicated on the sx900.  The odd one may have snuck thru.

I thought I only had a couple of hundred or so, realised I had nearly 600 after Joe put them on the site.
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


Quote from: Toril S on Dec 02, 2019, 05:02 PM
Aquila uno, that is provided Santa Claus can get it down the chimney😀😀😀🌲🌲.

You're welcome  .

My xmas came early with the arrival of the sx900. Haha
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022



don't forget to check Beaky Bird's post, my library doesn't include Genos styles.

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Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022



Many thanks for all your work, it is appreciated!!  :)


Right observation Toril ... that's why I didn't ask for a Genos ... ;D ::) :'(


Quote from: stephenm52 on Dec 03, 2019, 09:32 AM

Many thanks for all your work, it is appreciated!!  :)

You're welcome Stephen
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022