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Mixer Settings not saving with song

Started by Senn5, Nov 30, 2019, 11:32 AM

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I know I must be missing something simple here but can't quite get my head around it.
I saved my song I recorded in multi track recording, set all my volume levels and pans,reverb etc where I want and save the file.
But when I go back and reload that song, the mixer settings are not saved with the song and I have to remix again.
Thanks in advance for your input.



A keyboard recorded song got a lot of controllers and progam chances
Every style part change, breaks intro and ending add a lot of them
You have to remove them all before enter the new settings at start of the song
To do this on the keyboard is a hell of a job
Only with a computer sequenser can do that job quick
Select one controller or program change in a track
Use select the same ones in the track and delete them all
Dont remove the xg-reset at start of the song
Remove also the all the sysex in the song
that are commands to start the arranger
you don't need them with song replay



Before you save the song you must use the setup button at the top of the multi record page to store the be mixer settings in the file.


Quote from: Senn5 on Nov 30, 2019, 11:32 AM
I know I must be missing something simple here but can't quite get my head around it.
I saved my song I recorded in multi track recording, set all my volume levels and pans,reverb etc where I want and save the file.
But when I go back and reload that song, the mixer settings are not saved with the song and I have to remix again.
Thanks in advance for your input.
After you make the changes in mulți track record push setup give execute and after save
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


Thanks guys for the help. Much appreciated.
I'll give it a try tonight..:)


Hi Senn5,

Quote from: Misu on Nov 30, 2019, 03:28 PM
After you make the changes in mulți track record push setup give execute and after save ...

yes, in short, Misu's advice is the right method. :)

A little more detailed I had described this process recently here:

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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


That's right, Chris.
People usually forget to confirm the Setup window.
I have made two videos that show the whole process. The first one changes only the sound of the drum and the second one does the whole MIDI mixing.

Best regards,
Watch my video channel