PSR Tutorial Styles

Started by Joe W, Oct 29, 2017, 10:38 PM

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Joe W

I originally compiled a style summary like this many years ago, but there have been a number of change since then, so here is an updated post.

This board can be used not only to ask questions about styles and One Touch Settings (OTS), but also to upload styles or point members to where styles can be found. If someone is asking for a style that might go well with a particular song, if you have a recommendation, you can upload it as an attachment. However, do not upload any commercial styles that you have purchased. If you have created a number of your own styles, you can also provide them as part of an attachment.  However, if you have a particularly large collection of styles, this board is not the vehicle to use for sharing them. But you could provide them as part of your own web page in the Styles section of the main site - see below. Contact us for further info.

If you have stumbled directly onto this PSR Tutorial Forum, you may not be aware that this forum is part of a larger PSR Tutorial web site. There are tens of thousands of styles freely available for download from the main site.  Since many visitors coming here are on the lookout for new styles, I thought I would add this posting with some more detailed instructions on how to get them. 

The URL for the PSR Tutorial home page is given below:

When you go to that home page, notice a tabbed menu at the top of the page. It has 9 entries:

Home | Lessons | Songs | Styles | Music | Utilities | Links | Orders | Forum

Home - takes you to the PSR Tutorial home page.

Lessons - opens the door to a whole series of lessons on how to get the most out of your Tyros, PSR-S, or PSR keyboard.

Songs - gives you thousands of midi and MP3 songs performed on Yamaha arranger keyboards.

Styles - leads to thousands of styles and other files for your keyboard.

Music - offers resources useful to any musician not just Yamaha keyboard owners.

Utilities - introduces you to a variety of PC programs that Yamaha owners will find useful.

Links - points to other internet sites that Tyros and PSR owners may want to visit.

Orders - offers file collections to expand your keyboard and to support the PSR Tutorial.
Forum - takes you to this forum.

Each of these major sections are very large and include submenus (and sometimes sub-submenus) leading to the content pages.  Here, I will only expand a bit on what is available under the "Styles" tab.  Click on it and you find five submenus:

Yamaha | Gig Disks | Collections | Other Kbds | Other Files

 - "Yamaha" you will find pages for the top-of-the-line (TOL) models (from the Tyros5 back to the PSR-8000), and the mid-range models (from the PSR-S970 back to the PSR-640). Each keyboard page has a list of the preset styles for that model and many include a variety of style collections for or from that model.

 - "Gig Disks" lead you to over 9,000 styles. 19 performers have contributed the styles, many named after songs, that they used for their gigs. The term "Gig Disk" refers to a floppy disk, which could hold about 20-30 styles, just about the right number for a gig performed using the PSR-2000 or PSR-2100.

 - "Collections" include nearly 40,000 styles that collected, modified, or created by 16 different contributors.

 - "Other Kbds" have over 4,000 styles from other keyboards (Technics, Roland, Ketron, Korg) modified or "tuned" to work on Yamaha keyboards.

The PSR Tutorial styles collection has been growing since 2002 and is now very large. Fortunately, Yamaha has used a common style format so that styles from earlier keyboards can be used on later keyboards. With the introduction of the Tyros3 in 2008 and the PSR-S910 models in 2009, the style format changed. The new Style File Format was called SFF2.  The earlier format was called SFF1. All the newer keyboards use the SFF2 format but can also read all the previous SFF1 styles.

The styles online are all in a compressed "zip" format.  This provides more styles in a compact format making it easier to store the files and to download them.  You can freely download the available style sets.  You need to "unzip" them to get to the included style files, which you can then use on your keyboard.

If you don't want to spend a lot of time downloading and unzipping, or if you are uncomfortable using your computer to do that, you can visit the Products page, where you will find several large collections of styles available.  These were originally offered on CDs, but now are offered as data collections that you can download directly (via a few very large zipped files). Everything online is provided in one of the available data collections, which also include styles that may not be available online.  In building the data collections every effort was made to ensure that there are no duplicates in any of the collections from Styles Library #1 through Styles #9.  Styles #10 (compiled for PSR-S970/S950 owners) and Styles #11 (for Tyros4/5 owners) will have some duplicates from earlier collections.

If you are not a computer geek, just add a 16GB USB drive to your order and  everything is copied directly to the USB drive, unzipped and ready to use.  The drive is mailed to you and you can simply plug it into your keyboard. 

Note that ordering any of the available data collections makes you a "Supporter" of the PSR Tutorial since the costs of the web site and this forum are covered by the sale of the available data collections.  As a Supporter, you will also have access to the Charter/Supporting Member category of boards where there are additional file sets you can download.


You are doing a good job Joe....!
I am thankfull for what happens on this beautilful forum...!
"For everyone" .. Buy a CD or an USB Stick.....!



I echo Ernie's post.  It is a small contribution to make in supporting this forum considering the wealth of information, free media files, support and entertainment that is provides here.  Unless you are into IT it is sometimes difficult to understand and appreciate the time, effort and cost to run and maintain a site such as this. The structure and ease of navigation, search, post, etc I say is second to none.   Let alone the cost of keeping historical/achieved data on repository media and servers.

  Great job Joe!                      dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!