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Tyros and Geno styles on SX900

Started by Senn5, Nov 17, 2019, 11:56 AM

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I'm just curious does the Tyros and Geno style packs work with the SX900?  I'm looking mainly for good country styles and noticed a few available for download and just wanted to know if they are compatible.
Thanks in advance for your help.


If you have the "Country Musician" Premium Pack from Tyros 5, you can install it on your SX900. I have mine and it works great.
Yamaha PSR-SX-900, JBL EON ONE Linear-Array PA System.
"We are Old Too quick... and Wise too late."


Thanks for the heads up on the Country Musician pack. I just looked at some of the videos and sounds great.
I'm very new to this and the SX900 so please excuse my ignorance to my following questions.
Does it give you all these "new" sounds as well included with the pack? Example of the dobro and fiddle sounds.
I checked on the musicsoft website and when I click on my instrument as SX900 it shows but when I go to download its says it may not be compatible with my instrument. It also says to have a flash memory module installed? And only one audio style can be installed at a time?
Thanks again for the info, much appreciated.


Quote from: Senn5 on Nov 17, 2019, 11:56 AM
I'm just curious does the Tyros and Geno style packs work with the SX900?  I'm looking mainly for good country styles and noticed a few available for download and just wanted to know if they are compatible.
Thanks in advance for your help.

I dont know about these countrystyles  do some good. Maybe they are ordinary, but check it out.

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The country pack works fine in my SX900 and contains 10 new styles as well as new voices and multi pads plus a couple of registrations.
The pack you are looking at are Audio Styles.