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Backing Up Genos Files and Installing Firmware V2

Started by Reg, Nov 15, 2019, 08:56 PM

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  I have read all the related posts re the installation of Genos version 2.00.  I cannot believe
how complex this process is,  compared to previous updates.  They were installed without a  problem on my setup each time.  Why so much  additional instructions ?
I am reluctant . Also, given the info on the  Yamaha Firmware update page, you cannot go back
to version 1.41 after version 2.00 is installed.  I have absolutely no idea  how  to       backup  files or what to include.  If that was not enough, soon I will have to decide
on a Windows change from version 7 to 10 .  Surely others  must be in the same position.  Reg


Hi --

From a software engineer's perspective, this is a major update (not just a change in number). The programmers most like changed many of the data structures and extended file formats in order to implement new features.

I would focus on saving System Set-up, MIDI Set-up and User Effects. MIDI Set-up and User Effects can be written as files to  USB flash drive. They should be loaded after installing V2.0. Just to be safe, I suggest making a copy of all your data to USB flash drive. You wouldn't want to lose data any other time either, so back up the data.

Due to some limitation, Yamaha could not save and reload System Settings via USB fiash file. I wrote down the important System Settings that I use and restored them manually after installation. The System Setup parameters are listed in the Parameter Chart in the Genos Data List PDF.

For more information about what I did, please see the link below.

All the best -- pj

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Backup can do as shown in the video

And you need two more files that you create in Genos
Utility > Factory Reset/Backup > Setup File

Save to USB two Genos files
User Effect

[attachment deleted by admin]
Watch my video channel

Al Ram

PJ and CKobu

Thanks a lot for the instructions.  It is very helpful. 

San Diego/Tijuana

