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Expression pedal operation is reversed

Started by David Young, Nov 02, 2019, 09:41 AM

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David Young

Hello.....has anyone had a problem with the operation of expression pedal being backwards when connected to the psr-sx900 ?
I have referred to the trouble shooting guide on page117 of the Owners Manual  ( Foot Pedal Jacks ) and tried that procedure with no
success  .I am using the FC-7 Yamaha Expression Pedal .   Any suggestions would be appreciated .

Thanks /  Dave :)

Fred Smith

Quote from: David Young on Nov 02, 2019, 09:41 AM
Hello.....has anyone had a problem with the operation of expression pedal being backwards when connected to the psr-sx900 ?
I have referred to the trouble shooting guide on page117 of the Owners Manual  ( Foot Pedal Jacks ) and tried that procedure with no success  .I am using the FC-7 Yamaha Expression Pedal .   Any suggestions would be appreciated .

Yes. Your polarity is reversed. Just change it in the Controller.

Note that normally they keyboard figures out the polarity when you power it on. The only time it gets confused is when you press the pedal during power on. Is this what happened?

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


I had the same problem with the polarity being reversed with the Yamaha FC-7 expression pedal.  It made no difference whether the pedal was moved during power up.  I had to manually change the polarity of the pedal in the foot pedal setup screen in order to get it to work properly.  I thought this was rather odd, since Yamaha should have set the default polarity to match their own FC-7 expression pedal.

David Young

Hi Fred......yes I think that is what happened , but I was unable to correct it. I finally figured it out .  After I assigned the jack to volume , I pressed Menu on that screen and  seen that all I had to do was reverse the polarity. working ok now .   Thanks Fred and Paulman .
Lots to learn yet with this new keyboard but.....loving every minute of it .
Thanks /   Dave  :) :)


I had the same with my FC-7. Big thanks to the PSR Forum. As soon as I tried what the manual suggested (and it didn't work) I went right to the Forum. Sure enough the answer was right there, easy peasy.  Again, thanks Fred and Paulman!


Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Another reason why I dumped the SX900, my SX700 is going as soon as I get my new kbd. Set everything up in the restaurant Friday night and all went well. Locked up the kbd and went home. Saturday night when I started up the FC7 had reverted to articulation which is the default. NOT on all the registrations I may add. For me these kbd's are totally unreliable for gigs.
Love knitting dolls


That's really not about reliability. It's about set up. It's always wise to have a start up registration that sets the keyboard to what you want to avoid these issues. Then one button press sets the keyboard the way you like. I would see that as standard practice for someone doing gigs. Even as a home player these days I have that. I press power, then as soon as the keyboard boots up, I press my start up registration. Then no surprises.