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T5 76 Muting Style Parts Question.

Started by Graham UK, Oct 30, 2019, 06:50 PM

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Graham UK

T5 76. I trim a lot of the styles by muting style parts for a number of suitable songs....often less is more !.
Variations 1.2. 3 are usually OK, but Variation 4 tends to be over busy.

QUESTION. Is it possible to mute style parts in variation 4 only without it effecting Var 1.2.3 by leaving those style parts active ?

Reply's appreciated.


Robert van Weersch

You could store all settings per variation in a registration and use one bank for all those registrations.
Yamaha Tyros 5 76
Korg Liverpool (microArranger)

Graham UK

Yes, thank you, that would be one way of doing it.
Or there may be a free software program available ???.


Graham, it is possible to edit style parts individually without affecting all the others if you start off in Style Creator.
So with the style loaded to the KB, start Style Creator and select the part (eg. D) you want to edit. You may have to press Exit first in Creator to access the selection screen on Ty5, I can't quite remember.
Then start Mixing Console and edit as needed eg put volume to zero to "mute".
When done push Exit to get back to Creator and save the style, or select a new part for editing and repeat the above.



Graham UK

John. Excellent reply...thank you.
I Will give it a try today.