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New PC?!

Started by torben, Oct 30, 2019, 11:20 AM

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Hi friends

I just bought a new PC. So now I have to "restore" my YEM data on my PC. But how??? :'(

I downloaded the most recent YEM version to my PC and connected it to the PC using my WIFI. But where do I go from here? I guess I somehow have to export the packs already installed in my Genos to YEM or???

HELP please!

Kind regards

Tyros 5 was my choice - now it is only Genos1 !

Gunnar Jonny

Hi Torben.

If you have the downloaded packs on you PC, I would think it was just to import them again to YEM at the PC. If not, you can redownload from your Yamaha account.
Next time you add or wanna remove anything, just run YEM as ususal. As long as we have v1.41, it still works the way that we cannot add one and one pack,
but have to mark all contents we want to transfer because memory being formattet and all contents reinstalled anyway.
When open YEM, I guess you'll see what's already on Genos, but so far, I've not tested if it's possible to import back from Genos. Neither do I use USB pen for packs myself, only PC and YEM software..
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Hi Torben,

You can't export any expansion voices from the keyboard flash memory back into YEM.

However, if you still have YEM on your old computer, then after installing YEM on the new one, you should be able to copy the data (not the program!) from the old one and paste it onto the new one.

I did this after installing YEM on a new computer without any problems. I didn't have to load any packs or content into YEM on the new PC.

The data (which includes packs, account, instruments etc) is held in a folder which, on a Windows system, is typically located at... 

C:\Users\Ian\AppData\Local\YAMAHA\Expansion Manager

Obviously the actual user folder will not be 'Ian' on your system, but you should get the idea!

If you can find this on your old computer and then copy all the folders and files inside it to USB, you can then paste everything into the 'Expansion Manager' folder which should have been set up as part of installing YEM on the new machine.

This should set up YEM on your new machine just the same as it was the last time you used it on the old one.  This will also ensure that any non-Yamaha packs/voices keep their existing IDs.

Note that if you have already added any packs or instruments to the new install, this procedure could overwrite the new data, so is not advised unless you know what you are doing!  You could always make a back up copy of the folders/files in the 'AppData\Local\YAMAHA\Expansion Manager' folder on the new computer which you could use to restore the data if anything goes wrong!

I assume that a new version of YEM will be released anyway along with the Genos 2 firmware update expected on November 15th (to make use of the incremental update function), so you may want to wait until then, but it might be better to install the current version and its data on your new computer before this and then update to any new version from this..




Hi Ian

nice try - but it did not work  :'(


Tyros 5 was my choice - now it is only Genos1 !


Hi Ian,
  I have never heard of anyone being able to save voices on keyboard back into YEM. I was told some time ago by Yamaha this could not be done. How do you do this as it would be helpful to people to know.


Hi Torben,

I'm sorry that you couldn't get the procedure to work for you.  At what point did it fail?

Since seeing your reply, I have carried out the procedure again, this time first deleting all folders and files in the 'Expansion Manager' folder on my old Windows 7 computer, then copying the data from my new Windows 10 machine to the old one, and it has worked correctly.

YEM on both systems now shows exactly the same installed packs/content and other data files including instrument IDs.

I have made a large installation file for my Genos from both systems with exactly the same content, and both are exactly the same size.

So I don't know why it didn't work for you.  The version of the YEM program is the same on both systems (V2.5.3) if that is significant. Also as I said above, I deleted everything (folders and files) in the 'Expansion Manager' folder on the old system before pasting the data from the new one.  I didn't uninstall and then reinstall the YEM program on the old system.




Quote from: EileenL on Oct 31, 2019, 06:45 AM
  I have never heard of anyone being able to save voices on keyboard back into YEM. I was told some time ago by Yamaha this could not be done. How do you do this as it would be helpful to people to know.

Hi Eileen,

You can't do this, which I what I said in the first line of my initial reply to Torben.  ;)

Quote from: tyrosaurus on Oct 30, 2019, 01:43 PM
You can't export any expansion voices from the keyboard flash memory back into YEM.

I agree that it would be nice if you could do it, but it is no big problem that you can't, and it should be possible to adequately manage the system without such functionality.




Hi Ian

OK - maybe the the versions  of the YEM programs are not the same on both systems (V2.5.3). I will try again...

Best regards

Tyros 5 was my choice - now it is only Genos1 !

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Torben

Make sure you do a Windows 10 backup.
Create a system Image for your new computer.
It is a life saver.
You never have to start from scratch again with all that boring loading of Win 10, Programs and settings and all of your files.
Just get a Terrabyte usb drive and the System Image can be stored on that plus all files of Importance or whatever.

All the best
John :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Ok. I have now managed to make a cpf file via YEM of the packs on my old computer. If I import this file in the YEM on my new computer (after having imported my instrument info - ID - of course) will that make my old packs show and work correctly on this - new -PC? Or which files should I recover on the old PC?  :'( :o

Best greetings

Tyros 5 was my choice - now it is only Genos1 !