Behaviour of master EQ on PSR SX900.

Started by reya, Oct 29, 2019, 07:20 AM

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I have tried to visualise the effect of some of the settings in the master EQ on a PSR SX900 for my own use.
I will try to post them here as well, as maybe they can be of some use to others as well ...
I am not a professional in sound related matters so everything on an amateur level ...

Everything was performed on a PSR SX900 but I guess the effect will be the same on Genos and PSR SX700 .... but I have not tried it there ..

The setup:
I made a voice out of a non professional pink noise wav file, using YEM.
I connected a Beheringer Ultra Cure Pro to the line out of the PSR SX900
I played that pink noise voice on the psr SX900
Then I set the master EQ on PSR SX900 to what I wanted and took a picture of the frequence response as displayed on the Behringer

In reality, every column on the display dances up and down a bit, so there would be slight differences if I were to take multiple pictures of the same setting. But there is no way to avoid this. 
The fact that I change gain to +12dB or -12dB is only tor make the effect as much visible as possible. In reality I try to avoid these big corrections as much as possible.
Especially the +12dB gain correction can be harmfull to the speakers.

Sadly I cannot seem to have the image appear in the text, so I am using Hyperlinks as the next best thing  ...

1) Reference : Flat Preset

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Here I used the factory supplied Flat preset in the master Equaliser of the keyboard. The keyboard is factory shipped with this setting active.
As expected, a more or less flat frequency response is shown.
Around 30 Hz, there seems to be some boost, which may be the result of the fact that I am using a non professional wav file for pink noise or of an imperfection of the Beheringer device.

2) Flat Preset with extremes at +12 dB gain

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Here I changed the settings of the Flat preset, so that the gain in the extremes (80 Hz and 8 KhZ) was boosted to + 12 dB
As a result, the gain starts to change in the lows at around 400 Hz and in the highs at around 3 kHz. No visible impact between 400 Hz and 3 kHz
I was not expecting to see this 'smile' shape here. Pleasantly surprised I did though!

3) Flat Preset with extremes at +12dB gain and frequencies at outer limits

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Here I left the gain as before but now changed the outer left and right frequencies to the limit of their range
So 80 Hz was changed to 32 Hz and 8 kHz to 16 kHz, gain left at +12dB
As a result, the smile shape seems to widen, going more towards a U shape.
Now the changes in the lows start at around 200 Hz and in the highs they start at around 8 kHz. No visible effect between 200 Hz and 8 kHz
Note that the actual gain in the frequencies 32 Hz and 16 kHz did not change compared to the previous setup!

So for these extreme frequencies, (where there is no Q parameter), changing the frequency does not affect the gain on the extreme frequencies (32 Hz and 16 kHz) but mainly changes the gain in the more middle frequencies

4) Flat Preset with 500 Hz gain set to -12 dB and Q at 0.7

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Here I started again from the factory supplied Flat setting, and now reduced the gain at 500 Hz to -12 dB. I left the gain at the factory default of 0.7
As a result, the gain starts to change in the lows at around 63 Hz and in the highs they at around 3 kHz. No visible change below 63 Hz and above 3 kHz

5) Flat Preset with 500 Hz gain set to -12 dB and Q at 12

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Here  I changed to Q setting for the 500 Hz fequency to 12
As expected, now only gain changes at around 500 Hz.

6) Flat Preset with 500 Hz gain set to -12 dB and Q at 5.0

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Here  I changed to Q setting for the 500 Hz fequency to 5.0
As a result, the gain changes between around 400 Hz and 600 Hz. No visible change below 400 Hz and above 600 kHz

7) Flat Preset with 500 Hz gain set to -12 dB and Q at 0.1

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Here  I changed to Q setting for the 500 Hz fequency to 0.1
As a result, the gain changes between around 40 Hz and 15 kHz. So that is almost the entire audible range !

Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets

Joe H

You can post your picture here as an attachment so we can view it.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

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Yes Joe, I know, but there are 7 images I would like to show and comment on ....

Using attachments would be very confusing


Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


Quote from: reya on Oct 29, 2019, 11:36 AM
Yes Joe, I know, but there are 7 images I would like to show and comment on ....

Using attachments would be very confusing


please, send to email: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login thanks


Sadly I cannot seem to have the image appear in the text, so I am using Hyperlinks as the next best thing  ...

I hope this works now ...

Best regards
Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets