Advice about PSR-EW410 or others keyboards for piano tone

Started by dogendo, Oct 28, 2019, 02:27 AM

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At 64, i'm trying to get back to the piano but a problem of osteoarthritis in the hands keeps me away from heavy-touch keyboards. I hesitate between the PSR-EW410, the NP12 or the GO piano 61; the PSR-EW410 has the advantage of being an arranger which would allow me to vierier pleasures. but what about the quality of the piano sound and especially the quality of the keybed (vs NP12, GO61); is it a good option or do you have other models to recommend me ?... ans by the way is PSR-EW piano tone far better than PSR-E463 ?

I could not try the PSR-EW410 because it is not available in music stores in my area.
On the other hand I tried the NP12 and the GO: not bad but of course limited to the piano sounds essentially and speakers are very poor quality.

Thank you in advance for your answers and advice




I purchased the EW410 from Sweetwater earlier this year........and I LOVE it.   76 notes - beautiful styles and voices. Limited USB features, but enough to satisfy.  I recommend it highly.  Also, pretty light-weighted!

Good luck!
Marie Alicata
Marie's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: dogendo on Oct 28, 2019, 02:27 AM
At 64, i'm trying to get back to the piano but a problem of osteoarthritis in the hands keeps me away from heavy-touch keyboards. I hesitate between the PSR-EW410, the NP12 or the GO piano 61; the PSR-EW410 has the advantage of being an arranger which would allow me to vierier pleasures. but what about the quality of the piano sound and especially the quality of the keybed (vs NP12, GO61); is it a good option or do you have other models to recommend me ?... ans by the way is PSR-EW piano tone far better than PSR-E463 ?

I could not try the PSR-EW410 because it is not available in music stores in my area.
On the other hand I tried the NP12 and the GO: not bad but of course limited to the piano sounds essentially and speakers are very poor quality.

Thank you in advance for your answers and advice


I briefly had a PSR-EW410 (for 6 monhts) and could not stand its keybed. Too cheap for an otherwise nice keyboard.

So, as you can see, it depends quite a lot on the player and, in your case, I would not buy without being able to play it.

Jose Gavila
Yamaha: U3H, DX7, TX81Z, DX11, SY77, TG77, SY85, A3000, AN1x, EX5, EX5R, EX7, MOTIF RACK XS, MONTAGE 6 (B & WH), MODX6+, GENOS

Plus lots other music toys :-)


The keyboard quality is a big component of the overall cost of these instruments, and so it is likely that lower cost instruments will not have the highest quality keyboard. It's a cost trade off, and it's hard for someone else to tell you what would be satisfactory. Unfortunately, you are going to have to try for yourself. And it's not just the feel, what about the number of keys. Will 61 keys really be ok?
The piano sound is another matter. That is usually also quite closely related to price as well, although price for price the piano sound on dedicated electronic pianos will usually be better than on similarly priced arranger type instruments.
Bottom line though, if you are buying a PSR - EW.. mainly to have fun playing with accompaniment, you will probably enjoy it. But if you think it replaces a piano, you will probably be disappointed.


Thank you for your feedback ; I do not necessarily need a heavy touch as I  also play harpsichord, so I remain interested by the PSR-EW ; now I have to find it in music store to be able to try it ...
Thanks again