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Volume Problem With My Genos

Started by Bob88, Oct 17, 2019, 09:59 PM

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  I have had my Genos for almost 2 years and never had the following problem.  The past few days while I was playing, the volume dropped instantly  in my right hand voice suddenly from 100 to the 50s. This has happened when I was playing a style or if the style was part of a registration. It  can occur in more than one style and again if I use that style in a registration .  If it occurs in a reg. and  I touch the related registration button, the volume will return to the proper level but shortly after reverts  back to minimum .   I have attached a registration with the example of the problem
and also the style by itself. Unfortunately it is somewhat intermitten.  Hoping for a solution.   Thank you.   Bob

[attachment deleted by admin]

JohnS (Ugawoga)


I have found when converting Tyros registrations to Genos the Tyros registrations blast out.
When adjusting the loudness for the parts and play on the Genos the sound goes very low.
All other styles sound  low and sounds do also .

It seems when some styles ,sounds are set on the Genos they can sound redicuously low until you switch the keyboard off and on again
The same can happen when putting in third party styles.

Sometimes I have found with the left switched off there is no background chord sound and is totally blank until you switch machine off and on again.

Must be something to do on the computer side inside the Genos. Something miust get confused and it is generally me.

I do not find it a worry, but surprised nobody else has sid what i have said.

All the best
John :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Well I have never had this problem but I don't have the style velocity turned on as personally I like a constant volume from my styles regardless of how hard I press them.
  You do sometimes have to tweak registrations loaded from Tyros 5 as they are still using any effects you have used for them on Tyros 5. By changing to the voice on Genos you can then set up your effects using the ones on your currant keyboard and they will then suit the Genos much better.
  Always check that each registration is not changing volume as you press it. If it is then resave it to the correct volume you require. It is surprising how you can miss things like this.


  Thank you John and Eileen. It is strange I have been playing these styles and settinga for more than a year without any issue.  It does not create a secure feeling
if I would be playing in public.  Regards, Bob

Fred Smith


I see two problems with your registration:

1. You have an R3 split point set. That means that only R1 and R2 voices will sound when played in that part of the keyboard, and your Flugel Horn will sound only when played above the R3 split point (D#4). Is that what you want?

2. You have Line Out set, so that only the Right 1 voice will be sent to Main out. Is that what you want?

I think if you eliminated the R3 split, and the Line out spec, that could well fix your problem.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Fred:    Thanks for pointing  out 2 possible solutions to  the  volume issue on my Genos.  Re point #1, no I did not want the split point set that way.   With respect to #2,  I  don't think I have set that correctly either.    Would you tell me where I go to make the change  for that  setting?    By the way, the volume problem occurred
again tonight in another registration that I had been playing without a problem.
  Regards, Bob

Fred Smith

Quote from: Bob88 on Oct 18, 2019, 08:02 PM
Fred:    Thanks for pointing  out 2 possible solutions to  the  volume issue on my Genos.  Re point #1, no I did not want the split point set that way.   With respect to #2,  I  don't think I have set that correctly either.    Would you tell me where I go to make the change  for that  setting?    By the way, the volume problem occurred
again tonight in another registration that I had been playing without a problem.
  Regards, Bob

1.  If you don't want an R3 split point, then set the split points you do want, and re-memorize you registration. Better yet, turn on a Parameter Lock for Split Point.
2. If you don't want a line out setting, then re-memorize your registration ensuring the Line out box is unchecked.

I'm betting your other registration has the exact same problem.

I find the fastest way to solve my problems is to assume I'm the one who screwed up. It's much more effective than thinking it's not operator error.

When you have a problem, the first thing you should do is assume it's your registration that's in error. Then go find the problem and fix it.

It took me less than a minute to download your registration and see the 2 problems I mentioned. You can get to this point too.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


In addition to the Right3 split point, the Left split point is set at F3, whilst the Style split point is set at B2.

This may be intentional, but it means that if the Left voice part is turned on, it will only play over the six notes from C3 to F3 and the Right voice parts will not play below F#3.

Sync Stop is also turned on, but I assume that this is what you want.

Note that non of the above should cause what you are describing!

Regarding the Line Out settings, I'm not sure what Fred is seeing, but on the version of the your registration that I downloaded all parts are set to output through the 'normal' Main Outs! This setting must have been memorised in the registration, since if you change the Line Out settings for any parts manually, then select the registration again, it resets all parts back to the Main outputs.





Hi Bob,
  May I suggest that you load a registration into your keyboard that works fine and then put the parameter lock on. This will stop any third party registrations you may load in from altering your settings.
  This appears to be the problem you are having and you seem to have a rouge one there.


  Fred, Ian and Eileen:   Your posts are so appreciated.   I consider myself  primarily a player not technically inclined.  Fortunately this forum offers willing members who    help. I will follow up on your suggestions.   Just so you won't think I am a total dud,
during my school days in the 3rd grade I was elected class president -  3 years in a row.  Regards, Bob

Fred Smith

Quote from: Bob88 on Oct 19, 2019, 09:59 AMJust so you won't think I am a total dud, during my school days in the 3rd grade I was elected class president -  3 years in a row.  Regards, Bob

Yes, 6th grade was the best three years of my life.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Something else to be aware of, if the slider controls are set lower than the current levels of a particular part of style, touching the slider used to jump straight away to the new level. If the slider is noisy or a bit of dust has got in there, it might suddenly change to its physically set value whilst playing? Just a thought but its never happened to me on a keyboard except for my very old PS30 analog yamaha keyboard.




Lee Batchelor

Bob, if you use a faulty registration as a template for a new registration, the new registration will also be faulty. For example, if you set up a registration for Fly Me To The Moon and it has a problem somewhere, and then use it for another similar-sounding song by just altering Fly Me To The Moon and resaving it under a different name, the new song will be faulty as well.

Members often create a suitable Template registration that works perfectly according to all the desired parameters and then use it as a basis on which to create a new registration. To do this, perform the following steps:

1) Create a correct template registration and save it as Template.
2) Open the Template registration and set the style, voices, multipads, and other settings to how you want for your new song.
3) Save this registration as My Song (or whatever you want to call it).

In your Registration list, you now see Template and My Song.

After you become good at this, you may elect to create two or three "templates," each one having different keyboard configurations, depending on the song. For example, you may have a situation where you want to create several songs where you use the Genos as a full piano keyboard only. That setup can be a template all by itself. The only limitation is drive space, and Yamaha gives you lots of that.

There you go :)!

- Lee

Edit Here's one more tip. The Registration list is sorted alphabetically by default. After you create 50 song registrations (for example), the Template registration is on page 5 - not always the most convenient place when you want to recopy it for a new song. To keep it at the top of your registration list on page 1, rename it 1 Template. It will always be on page 1 at the very top.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


  A great tip Lee.  Thanks for sharing.   Regards, Bob

Lee Batchelor

"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.