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New to Genos

Started by shadowhankron, Oct 05, 2019, 11:24 AM

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Lee Batchelor

I see your point, Ronnie. Of course, the HS8 speakers aren't the only decent speakers available. Perhaps you can see what your local music store has to offer. Bring your Geno along for the ride ;).
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: shadowhankron on Oct 06, 2019, 03:50 PM


Thanks...... yes I made a Blunder with this Genos......

Absolutly not , you did with the speakers :-)

Soryt :-)
Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
My You Tube Channel :


Hi Ronnie --

A lot of us are pensioners, too, so we understand budget problems.

One possible solution is to return the Subzero speakers and, temporarily, get a good set of headphones. This would allow you to hear the Genos with its full potential. (I would say the same thing if it was the PA4x, too.)

Once you have some money saved, I would then follow Lee's suggestion and actually try your Genos through powered speakers (or whatever) at a local store. It's too risky to buy good speakers through an on-line retailer without trying them.

You've got a great instrument with Genos. It's simply time to plan the next step.

All the best to you -- pj


There is also such a thing as room accoustics to take into account.

I know by experience that the accoustics are much better in my dealer's store than at my home.

So if possible, the best thing would be to try some speakers out at home if you can.
Some dealers are open to this, for others it's more difficult.
And of course the longer you are loyal customer with you dealer, the easier it will be to persuade him to let you try a few out in your home ....

Best Regards

Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


Hi Ronnie,
have you tried to change the Master EQ of the keyboard?
No matter how bad or medium the speakers might be,
a"dull" sound I guess means luck of treble and high frequencies which is how the flat EQ settings may sound to your speaker.
Also you can use some headphones,(headphones for keyboards not that little ones for...I-pod  :))
to see the differences between hearing the instrument on speakers and on headphones.

Acoutsics of the room,lot's of reverb etc. comes later when you "pump up" the volume a lot.

If I were someone who don't like to mess around a lot with sounds and effects,
I would try to find some sounds from the OTS at first rather than choosing them directly from the voice folder.
(A sound to be great and not just good, needs effects)

I am also afraid that a clear sound needs better and more expensive speakers.
If there wasn't any difference in sound,why should they sell it in the first place and who would be so nuts to buy them anyway?
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Hi Ronnie,

The sound shop in Drogheda stock all Yamaha Keyboards and speakers and if needed they can get what you need and will match any online store prices. You can contact them on 0419831078 and ask for Adam or Trevor. I have been dealing with them for the last 15 years and never disappointed as they are musicians themselves and pride themselves on Customer service. They will also allow you to test out speakers and I believe they have a Genos in stock. Well worth speaking to them and there store is approx 45 minutes from Dublin.

All will work out and you as you see there is fantastic support from this Forum - really genuine and helpful people.



Hi  pjd
I thank you for I wrote to Gear4Music to return the Subzero System with my 30 day Return Offer,

And today A&C Hamilton wrote to me (Where I bought Genos )    To offer me a Refurbished set of HS8`s and keen price so I asked to hold them for me .....and they agreed. I listened to the Genos on pair Headphones from Thomann Cheap pair...but Genos sounded Great as did the Korg PA4x  inputted into Genos.

Hi reya..(Rudy)
   To be honest in Dublin not many Stores allow trying out Gear you own...none I know of....

Hi  panos

I downloaded settings for Eq`ing   called Gold tonight I will enter them while on Headphones.

Hi. countryking.

I guess you are from Ireland since you know Sound Shop Drogheda....

I dealt with this shop back in 70`s when in a Pop Group a Guitar Player at the Time...

I dealt with Tommy Leddy himself...a great Man to deal with.......but a few years ago I phoned and Emailed the Shop to try exchange a Roland Integra 7 and buy the s970 Keyboard   but either Adam or Trevor ( one of Tommy`s sons )  bascally ignored my request at the I thought never deal with them or most stores in Dublin.

This morning I called into Xmusic purchase a pair of Quality Headphones Audio Technica M40X  which I saw on their Website for 105 of managers said none in stock a long while since we stocked them.....I said website had them on offer...his reply...So what !   it should have not been on apology... just a snigger type grin.

So this is my reason Irish Stores are not as Interested as UK Stores or European...I SHOP ON LINE   now.

YES. ....countryking...  People on this Forum are  AMAZING   !!!! and   very HELPFUL..!!!   so I Thank You ALL VERY MUCH  for time and patience helping me out...and over coming days I will require more help with the GENOS



Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.