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midi files and registrations

Started by franksboard, Oct 08, 2019, 08:55 AM

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I am having an issue on my genos when i am using midi files with my saved registrations the problem is volume levels.some registrations load up with the midi file volume level very low even with volume set to max and some times other way around ,say i select an organ sound which i can make adjustments in mixer even with that cranked all the way is very Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login makes it very hard going from song to song maintaining volume levels.i know you can save all the settings with registrations,but the sound levels if set to max and still not enough and the issue is midi files as how to get more volume and no other way but on the main control panel on upper top left of keyboard


You have to clean the midifiles
Remove the sysex from them
Sysex can take over the whole keyboard
For song replay it use midi a
For keyboard it use midi b
Make a midi setup by muting midi channels and/or filter tracks
In the mixer you can set the volume  balans for song and keyboard
You have to save it to all performents
An other way is use song edit to mix the midi files and save them