Sx900 cannot alphabetize Song Playlist entries?

Started by Dnj, Sep 30, 2019, 08:20 AM

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I am hearing that Sx900 "cannot alphabetize" song list entries?
Can anyone confirm this who has one yes or no..?

Please say it ain't so!!

Fred Smith

Quote from: Dnj on Sep 30, 2019, 08:20 AM
I am hearing that Sx900 "cannot alphabetize" song list entries?
Can anyone confirm this who has one yes or no..?

Please say it ain't so!!

A song list is a playlist. You create the list in the order you want the songs played. If that's alphabetical order, then create it that way.

The list of songs in a folder is shown in alphabetical order.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Unfortunately when I upgrade to my next PSR/SX keyboard, it sure sounds like I will have to revert back to a paper system for keeping track of where my song styles are on the USB stick.

The only other option sounds like I need to make two copies of every style. I would put one copy in a SET folder of 16 styles, of which I would have 20 of these folders currently. Or perhaps I would just need to place the registration in this folder and connect it to the style.

Then place the second copy of the style in one massive folder, so I could hunt for the song style in alphabetical order. But then there is a limit to the number of styles that will fit in a folder (I don't recall what the max number is.)

This new way of logging your song set ups maybe great if you just use the onboard styles but for using your own 300 custom styles, it really is sounding like a giant backwards step.

On the bright side, I still have four more years before I have to deal with it.



Hi Drake,
  I have hundreds of styles all in folders such as Ballads Country Latin and so on. When making up gig sets I transfer the styles I want to use to a gig folder and then load my registrations and link to the ones in the folder. It dose not matter then if I move any of my what I call stock styles as this will not affect the styles in the gig folder. I have always done it this way on all my keyboards. I am doing the same on my SX900 and it is working well.   

Fred Smith

Quote from: DrakeM on Sep 30, 2019, 10:39 AM
Unfortunately when I upgrade to my next PSR/SX keyboard, it sure sounds like I will have to revert back to a paper system for keeping track of where my song styles are on the USB stick.

The only other option sounds like I need to make two copies of every style. I would put one copy in a SET folder of 16 styles, of which I would have 20 of these folders currently. Or perhaps I would just need to place the registration in this folder and connect it to the style.

Then place the second copy of the style in one massive folder, so I could hunt for the song style in alphabetical order. But then there is a limit to the number of styles that will fit in a folder (I don't recall what the max number is.)

This new way of logging your song set ups maybe great if you just use the onboard styles but for using your own 300 custom styles, it really is sounding like a giant backwards step.

On the bright side, I still have four more years before I have to deal with it.


There's no reason to have more than one copy of a style. Duplicating styles is fraught with error. Did I update one, and not the other?

On a Genos, the limit is 2500 files/folder. Not sure what it is on th SX.

A registration will happily find a user style on any connected drive or folder. You can move/copy a registration, and it will still find all the files it references. There's no need to re-memorize.

The old best way to create a gig list is to copy registrations to a gig folder. Leave all other files where they are.

The new way is to create a playlist (Note that a playlist is different from a song list). With a playlist, you now also leave the registrations where they are.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


yes Eileen
that is how I do it also, sometimes I get a request for a song not in the folder I have set up, because I have them brook down country fast bb Latin, I flip back and have the song in a second . I also put the lyrics in each reg, and use all reg for one song ..... no down time fast and quick between songs
best of all no note books every thing is on the keyboard
You Tube
Genos 1,Tyros 4 and Bose S1 Pro, Bose L1 Mod 2 w/tonematch
PSR S970


Hi Fred,

It sounds like I could put all my 300+ song styles into one folder. I would then create a registration for each song style in order to begin the song and place all 300+ registrations into one folder in Alphabetic order, so I can find a song by Name.

So you create a gig folder and slip into it the songs you will do at your next gig and are continually changing what is in the gig folder.

I am playing the same location every week. I have 20 different permanently made up gig folders, which I rotate through each week. With 52 weeks in a year I only do a song 2 or 3 times a year. However, when someone requests a song not in my planned gig for the week, I could go to the Alphabetic folder to select the registration. The registration's name would also have to include a Number at the end of it that I could read to reference the gig folder that my lead sheet/arrangement is located in order to find the lead sheet to sing the song.

Each year I seem to add about 2 gig sets (32 new songs). I do shuffle a few of the songs around during the course of the year a bit too.

If I am envisioning this all correctly, it'll all work out.


Fred Smith


That's exactly what I have.

All registrations in one folder, which Yamaha thankfully sorts in alphabetical order.

On the T4, I had a folder for each gig; on the Genos, I have a playlist for each one.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: DrakeM on Sep 30, 2019, 09:45 PM
It sounds like I could put all my 300+ song styles into one folder. I would then create a registration for each song style in order to begin the song and place all 300+ registrations into one folder in Alphabetic order, so I can find a song by Name.

To me, one of the bigger advantages introduced in Genos and now also in SX700/SX900 is the search function.

I have my own registrations in a folder, and have the converted Musicfinder registrations in a series of other folders. When I start the registration of a new song, I always do a search for part of the name of that song to see if no musicfinder registration file is present on Genos. If it is, Genos will show it, where ever it is stored (internal memory, usb stick ...)
No absolute need anymore to keep all files in one folder and alphabetically. The search function can take care of that for you ....

And the good news is, that the search function does not only work on registration files, but also on styles, voices, songs, multipads ...

Best regards
Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


Quote from: Fred Smith on Sep 30, 2019, 11:18 AM

The new way is to create a playlist (Note that a playlist is different from a song list). With a playlist, you now also leave the registrations where they are.

I've expertimented a bit with the Genos playlist, but personally I still prefer creating a playlist in the app on my tablet where I have all my music scores.
That combined, with the fact that one can now link a score sheet on the tablet to a registration file on the keyboard (Genos and SX700/SX900) with the click of one button in the app works easiest for me.

Best regards
Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


I think everyone is not understanding what I am asking.....let me try it again...

You create registrations of songs and all of its settings and save them to different folders as usual
with Yamaha previously on other models..

Now with the introduction of the Song Playlist you can add those registration songs to the playlist for easy access...

When ALL those registration songs are added to ONE playlist and you scroll thru them to search are they
AUTOMATICALLY ALPHABETIZED?..or do you have to MANUALLY enter the songs to the playlist
in the order you need?



Robert van Weersch

I think Fred has given the correct answer: a Song List is a "gig list". It makes no sense to sort it alphabetically, unless you always play your songs in alphabetical order :)
Yamaha Tyros 5 76
Korg Liverpool (microArranger)


Quote from: Robert van Weersch on Oct 01, 2019, 07:03 AM
I think Fred has given the correct answer: a Song List is a "gig list". It makes no sense to sort it alphabetically, unless you always play your songs in alphabetical order :)

It makes alort of sense to have ALL songs in the songbook list alphabetized from A to Z ...just like the KORG Pa4x, Pa1000, etc...
including reg, mp3, smf also...many gigging players never use a play list ever, but instead play off the cuff using the repertoire of songs in the Songlist  while reading the room and dance floor for what songs to play..

Fred Smith

Quote from: Dnj on Oct 01, 2019, 06:20 AM
I think everyone is not understanding what I am asking.....let me try it again...

You create registrations of songs and all of its settings and save them to different folders as usual
with Yamaha previously on other models..

Now with the introduction of the Song Playlist you can add those registration songs to the playlist for easy access...

When ALL those registration songs are added to ONE playlist and you scroll thru them to search are they
AUTOMATICALLY ALPHABETIZED?..or do you have to MANUALLY enter the songs to the playlist
in the order you need?

Your question was answered.

First, there are two lists:
— a Playlist for registrations
— a Songlist for songs (which supports both midi and audio files)

As stated in my original reply, thankfully neither is sorted automatically. They stay in the order you create them.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thank you Fred it's a bit clearer now appreciate the info.....