Modifying CASM settings

Started by Henni, Sep 27, 2019, 12:49 AM

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If a style part plays in minor insdtead of major, what do I have to do to the CASM using StyleMagic YA to fix this? I have a great many converted styles with this problem & any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.
...Fly Forever!

Joe H


I've not experienced this problem, but sounds like it's not a CASM problem.  Look at the notes in the part. If it's playing in minor scale, there could be a Eb (and maybe other flat notes as well).  If there is... try changing it to an E and any other flats as well and see if that works.

Another thing to look for is in the CASM there are 3 banks of chord types you can choose from. Look and see if the part is set ONLY to play on Minor chord types. You can change that to respond to ALL chord types.

Joe H
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Hi Joe H,

Thank you so much for your help my kind friend.


...Fly Forever!


Hi Henni,
With conversions make sure that the scale setting is correct too, just in case it's not actually in C. Don't  actually use  EMC to convert so not sure if it only converts to C?
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