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Music Finder Files

Started by Bob Fowler, Sep 22, 2019, 01:17 PM

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Bob Fowler

 In order to install a new mfd file, one must replace or append to the old one.  Replacement is the only option if the mfd is a large one. Unfortunately replacement removes the 'favorites' listing as well.  Is there any way to keep the favorites file with the related mfd file so that if one returns to the original mfd file the favorites are restored as well?


In a MFD, Favorites are simply existing records which have had a 'flag' set within them to mark them as a 'Favorite'.  They are not separate or additional records, and when the database is saved as a MFD file, the Favorite flags are included.

The 'Favorite' display is just a  version of the main 'All' display that filters all the records so that only those flagged as Favorites are listed.

If you reinstall a MFD which contains records set as Favorites, the 'flags' that do this will be reinstated too.

If you 'Append' such a MFD to an existing MF database, the 'Favorite' screen will list a combination of the ones from the appended file along with any favorites that were in the records already loaded in the MF.



Bob Fowler

I found out the hard way that this does not work for re-installing the original mfd database.  One has to save a copy of it with favourites to an external source in order to preserve it I'm assuming.