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SX900 - Help

Started by rgw, Sep 21, 2019, 01:17 PM

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Sx900 arrived today. I formatted the USB Stick and then copied all myprevious PSR files to it.
The SX900 recognizes the the Folders but shows them as being empty.
Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong please?



Hi Richard, Lucky you! Congrats!
Don't panic, you get help here from forummers ... As long as you have made backups from your 'master'files/map, nothing serious can happen.
Do you have Windows or Mac Computer? Could you see that the maps are filled with files when you look at them in your computer?
How did you organized your files?
Did you update the SX to the latest Firmware?
My best regards,


Congratulations, Richard !🍀




Have you selected an onboard style first before browsing other folders that contains styles? With Yamaha you MUST! first select the type of what you are browsing for...
...Fly Forever!


Hi Richard, as I remembered the Genos, and I guess the SX too, does has a typical way how the files/maps are stored.
For me was a great help a vid. that was made by Heidrun Dolde (from Soundwonderland). She offers a instruction video . If you whish pls. follow the next URL. From 6.31 it is in English language.
Hope this is helpful:

Enjoy you new toy!
My best regards,

Joe H

That video is real basic stuff.  I have always practiced using only 1 USB stick (though the S970 supports 2 USB sticks with a USB Hub)  Since I do most of my editing with StyleMagic on the computer, it makes good sense to use 1 USB drive.  The sx900 manual shows 2 USB ports but one is for a monitor cable and the other for a USB stick

Since the keyboard "masks" the files, you must search for styles by selecting the User Style button and navigate to the USB stick. If you want to select a User Multi Pad file, use the Multi Pad Select button and navigate to the USB stick.  This is the same concept as with the previous PSR line of arrangers

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi Richard,
  The best way is to copy files on computer. Put the two USB sticks in and just copy from one and Paste to the other.


Thank you everybody for your replies. They have been most useful and I am now up and running.
I'm gradually getting the hang of it.  I will be incommincado until the of November!

Kind regards to you all,



There are Two USB ports on the SX900 which makes life easier for transferring items from computer to keyboard.