Music Finder wont work on my Laptop, help!

Started by aldus51, Sep 17, 2019, 07:33 AM

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Hello again. This time my problem is about the Music Finder View program. Nice software indeed.
The problem is...It doesn't work on my laptop with Windows 7 32 bit installed.
On my other PC it works perfectly.
I get the message: "Error #:339, Component 'comdlg32.ocx' or oneof its dependecies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid, encountered in Function Add Headers.
if the solution is not obvius, please report this to the author."
I tried to register the comdlg32.ocx manually on the  prompt as administrator and it says the the comdlg32.ocx is registered.
I put copies of the comdlg32.ocx in windows system, in the program folder of Music finder. No success!
Been looking on the internet for different solutions. Nothing works.
So I need a clue to make this program to work on the laptop because I need to go to some friends and do some tricky job on their Tyros keyboard.
If anyone can help it Will make me very very happy. Thank you all.


Quote from: aldus51 on Sep 17, 2019, 07:33 AM
Hello again. This time my problem is about the Music Finder View program. Nice software indeed.
The problem is...It doesn't work on my laptop with Windows 7 32 bit installed.
On my other PC it works perfectly.
I get the message: "Error #:339, Component 'comdlg32.ocx' or oneof its dependecies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid, encountered in Function Add Headers.
if the solution is not obvius, please report this to the author."
I tried to register the comdlg32.ocx manually on the  prompt as administrator and it says the the comdlg32.ocx is registered.
I put copies of the comdlg32.ocx in windows system, in the program folder of Music finder. No success!
Been looking on the internet for different solutions. Nothing works.
So I need a clue to make this program to work on the laptop because I need to go to some friends and do some tricky job on their Tyros keyboard.
If anyone can help it Will make me very very happy. Thank you all.



I have a similar problem with Windows 7


Hi aldus51.
hi YammyFan,

I recommend to do the following:

1. Deinstall the Music Finder View program in Windows Control Panel.

2. Be sure that Windows 7 is at the current update state. (Go to Control Panel - Windows Updates - Search for updates ---> Install all available updates.)

3. System file check:
Open a Command Prompt with Administrator rights.
Type sfc /scannow and press [Enter] key. (Missing / damaged system files will be repaired automatically then.)

4. Install "Music Finder View Full Package V1.9.4" with Administrator rights :
Right-click the unzipped "setup.exe" and select "Run as Administrator"
Confirm possibly appearing messages by clicking "Yes".

5. Install "Music Finder View Update Package V3.1.3":
Unzip the file "" on the PC to a new, empty folder.
Select all files inside this folder and COPY all these files to the program folder of "Music Finder View":

Path of this folder on 32-bit Windows systems is:
C:\Program Files\MusicFinderView\

Path on 64-bit Windows system is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MusicFinderView\

Confirm all appearing messages to overwrite existing (previous) files in this folder by clicking "Yes".

Download page:

6. Right-click on the program file "MusicFinderView.exe" (in the program folder mentioned in 5.) and select "Properties". Go to "Compatibility" tab, tick the checkbox "Run as Administrator" there and click OK.

7. Now the program should work normally when started by double-clicking the corresponding symbol on the Windows Desktop or clicking the program entry in the Start Menu.

I wish you success!

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi overover. Tried everything but still Music Finder is not working.
I am attaching 2 picture so you can see the message and my OS Windows 7.
I am italian so my OS is in italian...  :)

[attachment deleted by admin]

Dick Rector

I had the same problem in windows 10 some time ago but solved it the same way as Chris has suggested.
First I installed it again over the old version but that did not work. Important seems that you really UNinstall first the version on your pc. Than install the Original old version first and than the latest update.
That worked perfect.
I hope it works for you because it is a super program.

PSR-2000 and PSR-S950


Hi aldus51,

I would try the following now:

1. Download the .ocx file from here:
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2. Right-click and COPY the file "comdlg32.ocx"

3. Open the folder "C:\Windows\System32\". Right-click and PASTE the file "comdlg32.ocx" here. If you get a message to overwrite an OLD file with the same name, click "Yes".

4. Open a Command Prompt with Administrator rights: To do this you can click on START button, click on "All Programs" and "Accessories". Here right-click on "Command Prompt" (black symbol) and select "Run as Administrator".

5. If you get a message from "User Account Control" (UAC), click "Yes".

6. In the Command Prompt type in (or copy from here and paste by right-clicking) the following command:
regsvr32 /u comdlg32.ocx  ---> press [Enter]  ---> click OK in "RegSvr32" window

Then type in (or copy from here and paste by right-clicking) this command:
regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx ---> press [Enter] ---> click OK in "RegSvr32" window

7. Close the Command Prompt and RESTART Windows.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


HI overover. This time it worked!!! Very happy....very very happy. Maybe it was the comdlg32.ocx that was different from the other that I tried before. Infact all had a different file length. but with the one that I got from your link the program works.
Thank you, thank you again! Very grateful. :-)


Hi Aldus,

I'm glad to could help you! :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)