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Failing Eyesight

Started by rgw, Sep 11, 2019, 04:13 AM

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My eyesight is not so good these days and am struggling to read the chord notations on some music sheets etc.
I know you can connect a monitor to the keyboard but don't know where to go from there.

Can anyone lead me in the right direction please?



Hi Richard,
  I have the same problem with seeing some of the chord symbols which can be very small at times.
I had some glasses made for keyboard distance and use a little programme called music time where my husband re-writes my music and I can choose which size I want the chords and notes. When playing out I can't take a large screen around so this is my alternative.
  Here is an example

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Thank you very much Eileen,

I will have a look into this. I'm not sure that I will be able to do what your Husband does for you, but I will see what the Demo can show me.

Best wishes,

Fred Smith

Quote from: rgw on Sep 11, 2019, 04:13 AM
My eyesight is not so good these days and am struggling to read the chord notations on some music sheets etc.
I know you can connect a monitor to the keyboard but don't know where to go from there.

Can anyone lead me in the right direction please?

You either buy a display that's large enough for you to see the chords, or create music where the chords are large enough for you to see.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Graham UK

Richard & Eileen Having the same problem, By using Free MUSICSCORE and downloading from Wikifonia files you can increase the Chord Sizes, I increase them to 16.

HOW TO DO...Once your preferred Notation is showing...GO to Format / PAGE / StaveSpace to increase Music to 2 or 3 pages this will enlarge the notes...Then Select VIEW / INSPECTOR to increase the Chord Sizes.

Hope This Helps.


Hi Fred and Graham,

Thanks for your replies. Presumably if I have a monitor I will need to purchase digital sheet music?



Modified Stave Notation

Check out this site for more information in the article including video.
Very helpful for modifying sheet music for visually impaired musicians with MuseScore.


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Fred Smith

Quote from: rgw on Sep 11, 2019, 11:33 AM
Thanks for your replies. Presumably if I have a monitor I will need to purchase digital sheet music?

I'm not sure you ever have to purchase digital sheet music.

What do you use now? Why can't you continue to use it? If it's actual paper sheet music, then just scan it in to a pdf. There are also thousands of pieces of sheet music on this site to download.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


I have a detached retina in my left eye and am legally blind in that eye.  I bought the large version of the iPad Pro and that solved the problem for me.  Like others have said, there are large print versions of many lead sheets that can be used too.  The attached picture might give you and idea of the screen size of my iPad Pro.


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Quote from: Fred Smith on Sep 11, 2019, 12:10 PM
I'm not sure you ever have to purchase digital sheet music.

What do you use now? Why can't you continue to use it? If it's actual paper sheet music, then just scan it in to a pdf. There are also thousands of pieces of sheet music on this site to download.


I mostly have song books within which I have a registration catalogue of about 900 songs.
The only digital sheet music that I have seen is not free and in my opinon is quit expensive.



Hi Deane,

Thanks for the info. How do you get your music onto the iPad Pro?



I use two different programs on the iPad pro to display the music.
One is UnRealBook - cost is under $5.00.
One is GoodReader - cost is under $5.00

There are others but I have not use them. 
Generally, you can load your music sheets onto dropbox and then download them onto the
Ipad whatever program you decide to try.  It is pretty simple. 

I suggest you to to a store and take a look at the larger version of the iPad pro and see if you think it will help.



Quote from: jes826 on Sep 11, 2019, 12:02 PM
Modified Stave Notation

Check out this site for more information in the article including video.
Very helpful for modifying sheet music for visually impaired musicians with MuseScore.


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Hello John,
Sorry I missed your post. Thanks for the info. I will certainly look into this.



Hi Deane,

Thank you for all your help. More info. to absorb - much appreciated.

Best wishes,


I use I Pad pro and a programme called Forscore. I load my PDF files into Drop Box then copy them into the I Pad. It is very easy to do.


Hi Richard,

I had a similar problem whilst waiting to have a cataract removed especially with the publications that put a box around the chord symbol.
Any PDF reader (you don't need a PDF Creator)  will allow you to put annotations on the top of a PDF file. All you have to do is use the mark up facilities to add larger text like the file example below and then save the pdf. The annotations then become part of the PDF file. The mark up facility can also be used to add other notes such as registration changes, RH fingering and other personal notes on the PDF. The annotations can also be edited, copied and pasted or deleted after the file is saved.
I use Foxit PDF Reader which has an extensive range of mark up facilities for variable texts and sizes and geometric shapes and colours.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hello Eileen and Peter,

Thank you both for the useful information. I will try and give them both a go.

Best wishes,

Dave Nuttall

Instead of an iPad Pro, I opted for the Microsoft Surface and a very low cost program called "Mobile Sheets".   There is a free "Mobile Sheets Companion" which runs on a Windows computer and will transfer PDFs and other files from a PC to the tablet/computer running Mobile Sheets.

MobileSheets also works well with "foot pedal" page changes.

MS Surface is larger than iPad.

PM me if anyone wants further details.
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.


I need quite a strong light on the sheet music to see the chord symbols properly. I'm using a couple of battery operated LEDs clipped onto the music rest just now but with the winter days here now I think I need something a bit better. Anybody got any good setups to use with Tyros? I don't really have room to put anything behind the keyboard.

Fred Smith

Quote from: DerekA on Oct 30, 2019, 02:26 PM
I need quite a strong light on the sheet music to see the chord symbols properly. I'm using a couple of battery operated LEDs clipped onto the music rest just now but with the winter days here now I think I need something a bit better. Anybody got any good setups to use with Tyros? I don't really have room to put anything behind the keyboard.

Put your sheet music on a tablet. Tile light source comes with it.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons