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PSRS750 12-8Ballad Style

Started by HarleyRider, Sep 01, 2019, 06:39 PM

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I am currently using the above style for a song.  However this style does not seem nearly as loud as most of the other styles.  Even if I raise the style volume up to 127 it still isn't as loud as other styles.  In particular I wish to get the CHD1 voice to be more prominent, but even when set to 127 (set for a warm piano voice) it is not loud enough.

Is there anything I can do?


Have you gone into the Style and just raised the Piano volume itself?

Generally in Yamaha styles the Piano is placed in CHD1 and/or CHD2. Raise just the Piano voice volume, not the whole style volume. You can then save the style with a new name on your USB.