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Audio Styles 2 Questions.

Started by Graham UK, Aug 31, 2019, 01:13 AM

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Graham UK

Audio Styles 2 Questions.

1. After making small adjustments I can save into USER, but it won't allow me to save to  the boards HD or USB
(Yamaha won't allow to save to external). Is there away round this ?.

2. Now do have Audio Styles with extension .aus I have downloaded but can't see how these can be installed or run from my USB stick ?.

EDIT. Note this T5 does not have expandable memory.

Reply's appreciated.

Graham UK

Francesco. OK undserstood...I have added my question to state This T5 does not have Expandable memory so not sure if I can still use YEM ?.


Hi Graham,
  The YEM will be no use to you if you have not got the flash memory. The on board Audio styles can not be copied to USB and can not be used from USB. Also you can only record the Audio drum part in Audio record. If you record in Midi you will not hear the drums. I think that is why a lot of us don't use them.

Graham UK

EileenL. Thank you from reply...As you know I'm on a T5 learning curve which also helps to keep my brain from Dementia !!!

Assuming Audio Styles are only Audio Drums, to me the word Audio Styles one would expect also the other style parts would be Audio recordings ???

The Audio Styles I have downloaded to USB I expect are the same ones already in the T5 but can't see away of loading or running them anyway.
Also If I have downloaded them someone must have already somehow saved them out of the keyboard.

PS. It appears Yamaha no long producing Audio Styles.



Hi Graham

Francesco & Eileen have already given you the info, however for interest only -

Audio Styles can be copied using the Yamaha MusicSoft Manager (or MusicSoft Downloader).  But as has been said, you will not be able to install without the expansion board or use them from the USB.

Did you manage to sell the PA1000 - just for interest.





Hi Graham,

I assume that the +Audio styles that you have downloaded are those in the 8 packs available in the Genos assets list.

As you said, these are the same styles that are already built into the Tyros5 (possibly modified to use some Genos voices in OTS).  You can already use those directly from your keyboard so why do you want to try to use them from downloads?

The T5 actually has approx. 124 MB of built in memory which is reserved for additional Audio styles.  Yamaha produced a few packs which could be purchased from Yamaha MusicSoft but they haven't released any more for ages.  The concept seems to have been dropped!

Even without expansion memory, you should still be able to install additional Audio styles into your T5 by making an install pack using YEM.   

When you import your .n27 file into YEM as a Target instrument, it will know that there is no expansion memory, so it should prevent you from adding any content that requires it (or at least warn you!). 

However you should be able to make a pack that only includes the Audio styles if you really want to, even just out of interest!

Note that the Audio Wave size shown in YEM for a T5 install containing all 40 downloaded Audio styles is 618 MB, which is much more than the 124 MB available, so you will probably only be able to include 1 or 2 packs.  Of course you can select one or more individual styles from each pack to include in the install as long as you stay within the maximum Audio Wave size.

If these styles are loaded into Genos (via YEM), you still can't copy them to USB, but you can save them to it, but of course, this has to be done one at a time.  I don't know if you can do the same with a T5.




Graham UK

Thank you to everyone for their reply's which is helping my T5 learning curve and helping me understand a little more..


Hi Graham
There are genos styles that have been converted to play in Tyros 5 and most of the Audio drums have been replaced by Revo Drums. They will have been re-voiced to suit.Look here

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Check bernamato in the forum. You will find the solution.. You need a hexedit to copy from.aus  section" AASM" and past into .sty. The new file must be named .sty and copied into usb stick. Let me know if you need further info. Bye