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Dynamic style controll..

Started by Bachus, Aug 24, 2019, 04:28 AM

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The setting dynamic style controll works on all keyboard part ..

Is there an option to set it to just the left hand..

Because when the dynamics also react to the right part, it does not give the result i want..
When soling i want to play style parts slightly softer, making my solo voice stand out more..

Now i could do thid with a volume pedal..
But in this case the volume pedal is in used to bribg strings from the background to join my main piano part..

I was hoping there is a setting for this
It would make the dynamic setting much more usefull..
(The setting is in style settings)


Do you want your left voice to remain at a constant level, If so take the touch control of left voice and set the volume to where you want it.


If you want to remove the influence of the RH voices on style dynamics it looks as if you would need to set the latter at Off. There seems no other way. Even so you'd need to find a quick way of globally turning on and off during live play and all those potential Live assignments do not include this function.



Quote from: jwyvern on Aug 24, 2019, 09:01 AM
If you want to remove the influence of the RH voices on style dynamics it looks as if you would need to set the latter at Off. There seems no other way. Even so you'd need to find a quick way of globally turning on and off during live play and all those potential Live assignments do not include this function.


If i set it to off i also loose the controll over the dynamics with my left hand, and thats exactly what i dont want to archieve, i want to controll the dynamics of the style with my left hand vellocity..  thats for example how it was implemented on the Roland G70..

Seems indeed not possible...

Quote from: EileenL on Aug 24, 2019, 06:35 AM
Do you want your left voice to remain at a constant level, If so take the touch control of left voice and set the volume to where you want it.

No thats exactly the opposite that i want to archieve...

The harder i play my left hand, the more volume the style has...


Hi Bachus,
sometimes I just use a different registration to control the volumes of the style or of my right/left hand playing.I just reduce the volumes of the style parts/voices that I want for that part of the song.
Next reg will set the volumes back to normal.
In case this might be any helpful to your way of playing.
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Quote from: panos on Aug 24, 2019, 11:05 AM
Hi Bachus,
sometimes I just use a different registration to control the volumes of the style or of my right/left hand playing.I just reduce the volumes of the style parts/voices that I want for that part of the song.
Next reg will set the volumes back to normal.
In case this might be any helpful to your way of playing.

I know thats also an option...
That i regullarly use...

But that is much more static then the real controll the dynamic controll this function allows
In the end the only thing that works just as well is a footcontroller..

I tried using the pedal on my mfc10 for style volume..
Works well..  but then controlling two experession pedals and a sustain pedal at the same time?

In the end i found a solution setting the volume of right 2 and 3 to a live controller, and then using a volume pedal (either) also works well

Seems almost noboddy is using this feature on genos ?
The reason could be because its not implemented in the smartest way?


Hi Bachus,

I don't use the Style Dynamics Control feature so far.

BUT: Which "Chord Fingering Type" do you use? If you are using "Full Keyboard" or "AI Full Keyboard", I guess the Style Dynamics Control depends also on the strenght (velocity) of the notes play by the RIGHT hand.

Did you already try the "normal" Fingering Types "AI Fingered", "Fingered" or "Fingered On Bass"?

From Tyros5 Reference Manual, page 29:
Turns touch response for the Style playback on/off. When this is set to "ON," the Style
volume changes in response to your playing strength in the chord section of the key-

From Genos Reference Manual, V4.41, page 11:
QuoteDynamics Control
This determines how the Style playback volume changes depending on the playing strength.
Off: The volume is kept the same regardless of playing strength.
Narrow: The volume changes over a narrow range.
Medium: The volume changes over a medium range.
Wide: The volume changes over a wide range.

For GENOS, as you can see, it is not mentioned that the Dynamics Control only depends on the "playing strength" in the CHORD section. BUT if it really is the case that this function is always affected by the whole keyboard range, this is a BUG, in my eyes.

Best regards,
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