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Shots & Holds

Started by Luluc, Aug 17, 2019, 11:44 AM

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Hi all !

I have a newbie question : When playing a song, how do you realize your shots and holds on the Genos ?

Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music


What are shots and holds. Pleased explain in more detail.


Here are some details about shots and holds :

Shot: A shot is just all instruments hitting the notes of the chord in unison and then not playing again until the next chord

Hold: A hold is similar to a shot, except that instead of silence after hitting the chord, the instruments continue to hold the note until the next chord. Obviously instruments with natural decay will do so, for ex. pianos, Acoustic bass or electric bass, guitars,...
Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music


I am pretty sure you can't control it.

I have never been able to stop the STRINGS from sounding until you lift your fingers. It drives me nuts, but I live with it.

Some instruments do fade out like the Harmonic I know.



Ah OK, I understand now. So, I stop my trials, glad that is confirmed by experienced users.
It's a pity because mainly the holds are very used in music....I think that these features are missing in music arrangers.

Unless that somebody knows some workarounds...

Does this has already been asked to Yamaha in the past ?

Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music


Yea, I asked a couple years or so ago, if anybody knew how to fade out the strings and at that time nobody had a fix.


Using the sustain pedal will hold any note other than the percussive ones until you lift the pedal. Strings and woodwind can be held for as long as you like after you have lifted your hands from the keyboard.


OK for the sustain pedal, but in  a hold we have to sustain in the same time the bass, the guitar , the piano and some other voices depending on the style played AND we need to get a decay. that is why basses, guitars and pianos are very used to do that.
As it has been already mentionned, this feature is really missing. That would give a more pro performance as a live band would play.
Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music

Ed B

I am not familiar with your shots and holds terminology.
You can create very realistic arrangements in mixing. There is a 3 dimensional relationship between velocity, stereo position, and reverb. You use these to create depth to your mix.Panning sets the position on the stage from the left to right, velocity and reverb controls how far back or forward the instrument is located.  Each voice has these controls. In addition, you have adjustments for attack and decay using voice set for each voice.
As mentioned earlier you can use the sustain pedal which is primarily designed for piano on strings. But use it on the high notes.  If you use it on low notes it gives a muddy result. It is my opinion that  the keyboard gives you pretty good controls to get very realistic results.
Hope this gets at what you are trying to do.
Ed B
Keep on learning

Joe H

If you can find strings SF2 samples or other sounds you want on the internet, you can create a new pack and Import those into YEM and tweak the amplitude and Filter envelopes to make them decay the way you want. Then save them as a pack and load the Voice into Genos.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

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Quote from: Luluc on Aug 20, 2019, 02:19 PM
OK for the sustain pedal, but in  a hold we have to sustain in the same time the bass, the guitar , the piano and some other voices depending on the style played AND we need to get a decay. that is why basses, guitars and pianos are very used to do that.
As it has been already mentionned, this feature is really missing. That would give a more pro performance as a live band would play.

I could bet I saw a video where the demonstrator uses the hold function using pedal, but I can not found the video for now (I don't know which keyboard, if it was Peter Baartmans, I don't remember, I heard a lot of demos in the past week).
But is the first time when I hear about bass sustain on pedal! In which genre of music you use sustain on bass?!

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
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Vali Maties - Genos


Organ players use Bass sustain a lot as do people who have pedal boards connected to there keyboards where they don't want a short staby bass note. Would be used mainly for playing ballad type music.


I had never heard the 'shots and holds' terminology either, but I think that they are BIAB terms rather than general music terms. If you are creating a style, which is where I believe it would be used in BIAB, I don't think there would be any difficulty in playing notes to hold - just hold them down for the duration, or single shot - don't hold them???


I found this article:
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Maybe is useful. :)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
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Vali Maties - Genos


BIAB has had shots and holds for years.


Yes, 'Shots & Holds' is a BIAB terminology. In BIAB, I used to play shots and holds in my BIAB songs. So, with the Genos, I'm disappointed for this feature is really missing.
Many MP3 songs I've listened to in the PSR tutorial pages, do not have any holds. But holds are very used in music in pop songs for example.

As DrakeM said in this topic, it is not possible to do that with the Genos.
Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music


I've saw this video on youtube. This is  about using hold and shots on specific chords, selecting some channels on not.

I don't understand a thing. This is made to a midi file, or to a style?! Because all those things in video can be made easily in a style using style creator and step edit.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


valimaties, the vid in question is about Band In A Box and has nothing to see with the Genos. That explains what are shots and holds.
The shots and holds are realized with RealTracks which are real musicians records tracks. That is a great feature that is very used in pop/rock arrangements and more.
Unfortunately, it is not available on the Genos.
Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music


But Valimatis point is valid. You can do them easily on any arranger in the style because styles are created on the keyboard. BIAB is not created on a keyboard, so they had to come up with a special way to create them. In my view the reason you don't have this on a Genos - or any other Yamaha arranger- is because you don't need it!


Hi Luluc,
we have some organs playing chords in the style section and some organs usually playing the melody with the right hand voices.
Where these "shots and holds" should be located?
a) In the style (chord) section or
b) while playing with the right hand, lets say a piano and a violin voice and we want the piano voice to be sustained while the violin voice should fade out immediately.

As far as I can see in BIAB videos, you set all the chord progression in the style and now the style "acts" like a ready made midi without the melody lines.

Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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