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Volume adjust problem on individual voices

Started by jugge, Aug 08, 2019, 01:53 PM

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This is probably a stupid question, but when I adjust the volume for the Left, Right , Right 2 and Right 3, the volume will change on all four voices and I cannot find where to change this.
It's like the volume is linked to all four voices and I want to change the volume for the voices individually. I even tried a factory reset, but that didn't help. Feels like I must be missing something obvious  :-\
Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.


Hi Jugge,
you have changed the voices,it's all fine,then you press something and the voices sound again as they were before the changes.
May I ask: Are you saving somewhere the changes you are making?
We can save those changes to a) OTS or b) to a registration.

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What are you doing to adjust the voices?

Is it using the live control sliders?

If so, each slider can be confgured to control the volume of any combination of L, R1, R2 and R3. So I suspect that the slider you are using is configured to control all 4 voice volumes. Press DIRECT then move the slider to edit the assignment details.


I have tried to adjust the volume from both the mixer and from the live controller sliders, but the result is the same. Not really sure what's going on, but strange that a factory reset didn't help either.
Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.


If you are using the sliders, the one that is labelled Kbd will change all 4 voices simultaneously. If you want to continue using sliders find the ones that are labelled Right1, 2 etc. and use those. (To find them push the slider assign button until the B group shows in the slider screen.)


Have just seen your 2nd post. The mixer  does not have a Kbd equivalent so that should not happen.
Have you got Genos connected to external midi or have an unusual midi template setup which could loop back wrong data? Suggest you check the template and make sure the standard All Parts is selected.


Thanks guys for your input. The problem was that I had Cubase opened and for some reason it was messing up the controls. Shutting down Cubase fixed the issue.
Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.


Quote from: jugge on Aug 08, 2019, 02:52 PM
Thanks guys for your input. The problem was that I had Cubase opened and for some reason it was messing up the controls. Shutting down Cubase fixed the issue.

Ah OK. If you look at my previous post you will see I was just getting around to that  ;)