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Playing background music(my recordings on Hd)

Started by tyrosguy85, Jul 30, 2019, 03:55 PM

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Dear all,
One of my dancers said it would be nice if I could play some of my music before and during the interval at my dances.
I have recorded several easy listening tunes of myself and stored them in my hard drive on my Tyros 4.
I can play one tune from the Hd but can't figure out how to play multiple songs(I have to keep on going to another song manually)!!!
Any ideas?


Hi John,

I'm assuming that you are talking about Audio files (.wav or mp3) here, and the following applies to these.  If you actually mean MIDI files then there is a way of automating playback for these too.  Let us know if you want to use MIDIs.

So, assuming that you want to use audio files, there is a 'Playlist' mode in the Tyros4 Audio Recorder/Player which should do just what you want.

Note that this is not the same as the Playlist function on Genos which is concerned with registrations!

On the T4 a Playlist is a list of up to 500 audio songs per Playlist, which can be prepared and managed in the Audio Recorder/Player, and can then be played back, jukebox style,  either in order or shuffled so that they play randomly.

A Tyros Playlist file only contains a text list of links to audio songs and where they are stored, which means that the actual files are small.

You can make lots of different ones, perhaps for different genres of music suitable for different audiences.  It is a simple matter to load a specific one and play back its contents.  The same song can be included in more than one Playlist if you want.

You can read about how to set up and use Playlist mode on Tyros4 starting on page 93 of the 'Tyros4 Reference Manual' (not the Owner's Manual!). 

You can download the Reference Manual if necessary from your local Yamaha Support website.   Here is a link to the page containing the manuals on the Yamaha UK site...

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Toril S

Hello John! I have a Tyros 5, but hope the steps are the same on the Tyros 4:
fOR the MIDI player:
1. Press the function button.
2. Select Song setting.
3. Use the G button to chamge the REPEAT MODE to All or RANDOM, if a ramdom playback is what you wnat.

I am trying to figure out how to do it on the audio recorder :)

All the best from Toril
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


For break music, I use MIDI songs purchased from Yamaha ... there are no vocals, just instrumental representations of the originally vocalized melodies.

I do not know how to set the T4 to play a playlist of MIDI songs.
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.