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Started by markchapman1976, Jul 14, 2019, 06:09 PM

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Hi a bit of a strange question but when we have a choice between a super articulated voice and a live or cool one, in what instance would we use the live or cool voice Vs the SA voice? The reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to think outside of the box and make the most of what the keyboard is offering. Thanks.

Jay B.

If you like the sound of the Live! voice better in a particular application, by all means use it. On the S970, for example, I will use the Live! strings voice in certain situations because I like its tonal quality in an arrangement better than some of the SA strings voices.


I think it's just the way things evolved over time - the Live! voice came first, then the SA! version came along but the original voice was kept, possibly in a Legacy folder.

Some people have asked in the past how to stop the articulation on a voice because they just didn't like it (which is fine) - the answer was that you can't, so use the legacy version instead.


If you are setting up a Big Band type sound and are going to use harmony on it then it is best not to SA.2.voice.