Tyros OS Upgrade 1.40 via USB

Started by aldus51, May 24, 2019, 05:29 PM

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Hello. I've got this upgrade for the Tyros2 via USB. the TYROS_Installer_Ver140 is the program that is supposed to make the upgrade.
Mi PC is running Windows 10 alas. I have previously installed the Yamaha Midi Drivers.. My DAW can see the Keyboard as Workstation 1 or 2. I can play from the computer to the keyboard.
I  can record from the Yamaha. So apparently no problem in the connections. But the installer keep saying that cannot see MIDI.
I have a choice so I put Workstation 1 as a midi device. Once the choice is made I press the OK button and the program freeze.
I have tried on two more Computers with Windows 7 and I get the same behaviour.
Is there any other way to make this upgrade? The file that should be the upgrade is named  tyros.uxs  and is 16 megabytes long.
Thank you in advance.

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Hi Aldus,

According to the UK Yamaha Support website, the latest firmware release for Tyros2 is version 1.31...

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This upgrade is installed from the root folder of a USB memory stick connected to the keyboard as described in this PDF...

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I don't know where you obtained your Ver. 1.40 from, but are you sure that it is a legitimate Yamaha firmware upgrade, or is this in fact just an installer program?

Edit:  I have just checked the available firmware updates for the first Tyros model (Tyros1 ?), and there is one for Ver. 1.4 which is installed from a computer. I assume that this is the upgrade that you have got!   This will not be any use for your Tyros2 and I would advise that you do not try to install it!




Hi! Thank you for your interest about my question.
Well, no problem. I will trow away this upgrade if you think that it's not useful.
Probably is an upgrade for the Tyros 1.
Thanks again. Best regards.