How to use Elements in YEM?

Started by Snicker740, Apr 30, 2019, 10:22 AM

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 I have some questions about Elements in YEM, I can't find the answer in Manual provided by Yamaha. Can someone help me?
Usually when creating a voice, I will use Element 1 for all Velocity Layers (Example of 5 layers for Piano sound).

- How are elements from 1 to 8 in YEM used?
- Does YEM allow you used the Elements to create an X-Fade area between two layers to create a smooth transition from Velocity low to Velocity hight?
   Example: If I set Layer one (has Velocity 001-060) at Element 1, and Layer number 2 (has Velocity 050-075) at Element 2. Does it automatically create an X-Fade intersection between velocity layers (from Velocity 50 to 60) ?
  If YEM allows to do this (X-Fade), it will erase the obvious difference when moving from one audio layer to another, it will become as realistic as the real instrument.
That's what I wonder. Cheer!!
Genos + Motif XS7
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No it doesn't create anything. The velocity from 51 to 59 will not be played. You can use elements to made some other corrections to all parameters of an element. You can use elements to make something like megavoice, or to make some adjustments to parameters of all keys, as I said.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
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Vali Maties - Genos


You can take elements from one sound to another and mix them to give you new voices. This can be quite useful.


Quote from: Snicker740 on Apr 30, 2019, 10:22 AM
  Example: If I set Layer one (has Velocity 001-060) at Element 1, and Layer number 2 (has Velocity 050-075) at Element 2. Does it automatically create an X-Fade intersection between velocity layers (from Velocity 50 to 60) ?

The elements are like individual sample players that run in parallel. So I believe you will get element 1 only at low velocity, element 2 only at high velocity, then both on the overlapping range. No transitions because the elements don't "know" about each other.


This is a very quick example with two samples loaded in two different elements. I set for each other different velocity levels. Other parameters must (or could) be adjusted, this is ONLY an example.
What did you hear by pressing the key on different positions on it, it is what you will hear when you press on keyboard's keys with different velocity hit!

Note: I did NOT set any other parameters, even if there were necessary, like Original Key, or Pan parameter, in my case!

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Hi --

With respect to cross-fade, YEM's internal voice representation (UVF -- a form of XML) allows definition of data tables which could support cross-fading.

The bad news -- YEM does not display these tables or let you edit them.

There is a "backdoor" way to edit the tables, but you will need to edit the UVF directly. For more info, please check out the links below.

Hope this helps -- pj

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P.S. YEM really need to add this capability and more to YEM. It's editing facilities are somewhat deficient for professional use.


Hi pj.
Nice to see your research.

What I found in my practice on uvf file is YEM overwrite custom settings made on parameters when it made the pack installation file, so its in vain to manually modify the uvf file.
They must update/upgrade YEM, to be able to accept modifications...

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos