Unblock midi files ….help needed

Started by axtralman, Apr 29, 2019, 05:31 AM

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Hello everybody ! I m new in here  and quite new also with keyboards.
I just bought a psr s670 and started practicing with revoicing a midi file downloaded from the net .....
well after i made my modifications i just saved a copy  as a new midi file  but...surprise...all my modifications and revoice were not inside the new file.
When i save the psr gives me message like " midi file is copyright protected and for personal use only"
Is there a way to unblock this protection?
thanks  :)


No you can't alter a protected file. That is the idea of protecting it.


that's very simple for me
but i don't tell you
Somebody made that file, so it is him or her creation
Learn to play your new keyboard and make your own creations





I'm not sure why simply changing the voices specified by a MIDI file— which might be General MIDI voices for greatest compatibility with different keyboards— to better-sounding panel voices which are available on one's particular model, would not fall under "personal use."

Toril S

Janus, many of us create our own  MIDIS all the time, but also make use of files created by others😀
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page


 i m sorry my english is not that perfect  so i was misunderstood ...my question was not how to infrange copyrights and steal someone's else composition. :P
If i want to revoice or re edit even a protected file we all know it s very easy   with Cakewalk.... my question was how to revoice ..and save the new file using only the psr 670.
in other terms how to bypass this quite unuseful and restrictive protection that Yamaha has decided to impose to their customers. 
...and Janus i m not sure it is so easy ..as i think any "trick" should be applied in the yamaha software.
Anyway..revoicing a midi file as long as i don t republish it ,or claim any copyright on it...is not copyright infrangement.


For revoicing and editing midi files on the keyboard we use the keyboard's Mixing Console along with the keyboard's Song Creator.
Take a look at the lessons section up and right to this forum's screen and also search the forum for related questions.
Never forget the execute order to apply your changes to the midi file before saving it .
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a but "intricate" process to follow for each song...but it works  :)
thank you Panos



Maybe with mixmaster you can edit easier the midi files on your pc also because of he small screen of the s670.
Mixmaster is designed especially to play the midis as you hear them on a Yamaha keyboard.
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