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instrument info (*.n27 tyros 4

Started by Flipje001, Apr 07, 2019, 12:11 PM

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Hello best members

Anyone to help me out of a instrument info (*.n27 from tyros 4)
i have a cpf pack created for tyros 4 needed to read with this file info into yem.

Many thanks in advance.



Tyros4 doesn't use YEM, so you won't be able to add a T4 as an Install Target instrument in YEM, or create an n27 file for one.

CPF is a YEM file, so you can't have a .CPF file that was purchased and supplied, or subsequently made from YEM, for a Tyros4!

You may have a CPF file which was created in YEM that includes Tyros4 UVN or UVD files imported into YEM, and then 'protected' for a specific keyboard, but it can't have been protected for a T4!





Thank you for the quick reply

Yes i have a Cpf file from a friend, and want to loaded in psr975,via yem  butt programs says you dont have a instrument to loaded for.
Can i guess this cpf file is only for that specific keyb. and will it work if you have the org instr file of that keyb, to import in yem and used in to psr975.



Yes, if you can obtain the n27 file for the actual keyboard that the pack is protected for and install it as an Install Target in YEM, you should be able to import and produce a CPI file to install on that keyboard.

However I don't know if the CPI will then load on your keyboard!  I would have thought that it probably wouldn't, since the point of protecting the pack in the first place was to prevent illegal copying and use of it on a different keyboard!

It won't hurt to try I suppose!





Quote from: Flipje001 on Apr 07, 2019, 12:53 PM
Thank you for the quick reply

Yes i have a Cpf file from a friend, and want to loaded in psr975,via yem  butt programs says you dont have a instrument to loaded for.
Can i guess this cpf file is only for that specific keyb. and will it work if you have the org instr file of that keyb, to import in yem and used in to psr975.

It won't work for you. Because YEM will create an installation file .cpi . When you try to install .cpi to your PSR 975 , it will looking for thr org instr file.


thanks for this all good information , yes your right , it dont works.
so if you buy a new keyb you cant use your purphased pack to your new keyb. becaus its only for this specific keyb.


Ed B

If you have purchased the pack Yamaha will give you one for your new keyboard.
Ed B
Keep on learning


Thank you for reply
It's a 3party pack i Will contact thé supplier
To send me a new country file.


Quote from: Flipje001 on Apr 08, 2019, 05:45 AM... It's a 3party pack i Will contact thé supplier
To send me a new country file....

Hi Flipje001,

I don't know what you are meaning with "a new country file".

The normal way for you to get a (payed) 3rd-party Pack (that is distributed as a protected .CPF file) is as follows:

1. Export the .n27 Instrument Info file of YOUR S975 to an USB stick and send that file to the company where you want  to purchase the Pack.

2. When you have received the .CPF Pack (that was especially made for YOUR keyboard), first import your .n27 file into YEM as Install Target, and then import the .CPF Pack  into YEM.

3. Select all YEM contents which you want to install on your S975, make your own .CPI Pack Installation file (on a USB stick), connect the stick to the keyboard and install all content there.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hello Chris

Thank you for your information , yes it must be CPF file instead Country file
Will send a mail to suplier for a new CPF file.

Many yhanks for the help.



I have this problem too.
I have a Tyros 4. And the YEM (Yamaha Expansion Manager) doesn´t see it.
On the site (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login) I can´t find a way to download the .n27 file, to load it in the YEM.
I have custom voices and drums that I would like to make them a pack and install them in the Tyros because the Custom Banks are full, to load them individual.
The Support is telling me that I can buy a pack and get an ID.
This is forced sales...


Quote from: fantomx2019 on Aug 10, 2019, 05:00 AM
I have this problem too.
I have a Tyros 4. And the YEM (Yamaha Expansion Manager) doesn´t see it.
On the site (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login) I can´t find a way to download the .n27 file, to load it in the YEM.
I have custom voices and drums that I would like to make them a pack and install them in the Tyros because the Custom Banks are full, to load them individual.
The Support is telling me that I can buy a pack and get an ID.
This is forced sales...

Hi FantomX

As Ian has said earlier in the thread - The Tyros 4 does NOT use the YEM.  The YEM is only compatible with more recent keyboards.




Hi fantomx2019,

as mentioned before, Tyros4 is NOT compatible to YEM technology.

You can ONLY use Custom Voices in .UVN format (= Custom Normal Voice) and .UVD format (= Custom Drum Voice). Furthermore, Tyros4 has only ONE (1) Custom Normal Voice Bank (128 Slots, MSB 63 / LSB 0) and ONE (1) Custom Drum Voice Bank (20 Slots, MSB 62 / LSB 0).

Yamaha Premium Packs can also be used with Tyros4, of course (as long as the memory space in the FLASH ROM module is sufficient).

At the moment there is NO way to convert .PPF Packs (or single Voices from it) to .UVN/.UVD format (to use it with the Tyros4).

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I don't want to convert from other packs.
I want to use the Expansion memory for more custom Voice/drums with my own packs.
Shame that we can't use that "space".
20 locations for custom drums is so less.
Thank You for fast respond.


Quote from: fantomx2019 on Aug 10, 2019, 03:39 PM
I don't want to convert from other packs.
I want to use the Expansion memory for more custom Voice/drums with my own packs.
Shame that we can't use that "space".
20 locations for custom drums is so less.
Thank You for fast respond.

Hi fantomx2019,

the only way to use "more" Custom Voices on Tyros4 is to work with several LIBRARIES:

You can select some or all Custom Normal and/or Custom Drum Voices and save this compilation, by using "LIBRARY SAVE". By that, a Library file (.UVI) is saved to the selected folder (on the internal hard drive HD1 or on USB drive), and the selected .UVN/.UVD-Voices are also saved to that folder.

Then you can load other .UVN and/or .UVD voices to certain Custom Voice slots, by using "INDIVIDUAL LOAD". Repeat the first step and use "LIBRARY SAVE" again, and so on.

Later, you can use "LIBRARY LOAD": Select a saved Library file (.UVI), and all the voices which are linked in this Library will be loaded to their "old" slots.

You can also leave SOME voices ALWAYS in your Custom Voice Bank and alternately load one of your Libraries (which will only change "the rest" of the voices).

May be, you could update in the near future to a Tyros5. Used T5s can currently be purchased relatively cheaply. On Tyros5 you can install a maximum of 2 GB of Expansion Flash Rom memory (Genos has 1,8 GB of builtiin memory for this purpose). In YEM, theoretically can reside 128 Packs (LSB 0 to 127). Each of these Packs can hold up to 128 Custom Normal Voices PLUS 128 Custom Drum Voices (limited, of course, by the availabe Expansion Wave memory of the keyboard).
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Don't forget that some Libraries will take about forty minutes to load.


Quote from: overover on Aug 10, 2019, 07:46 PM

May be, you could update in the near future to a Tyros5. Used T5s can currently be purchased relatively cheaply. On Tyros5 you can install a maximum of 2 GB of Expansion Flash Rom memory (Genos has 1,8 GB of builtiin memory for this purpose). In YEM, theoretically can reside 128 Packs (LSB 0 to 127). Each of these Packs can hold up to 128 Custom Normal Voices PLUS 128 Custom Drum Voices (limited, of course, by the availabe Expansion Wave memory of the keyboard).

I put my T4 to sell it.
It is frustrating that their expansion works. So it may get more on T4, but only with money and what ever they have.
I hope I will sell T4 and get a T5.
I have tested on a friend the way I can construct expansions, and it works like a charm.

Thank you.