Spreadsheet list of all “styles”

Started by tson, Apr 05, 2019, 09:30 AM

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Does anyone have a listing of 975 styles that includes the Style Types (Pro, Session, Free Play, DJ, +Audio).



Sorry, I meant Style Types (Pro, Session, Free Play, DJ, +Audio).



Here is an Excel spreadsheet with all the 483 MIDI styles in the PSR-S975.

You can modify/format it to suit your needs, but note that the 'Type' and 'Style' columns use formulas!

I'm sorry but I can't help you with the +Audio ones.  Yamaha is too secretive (lazy?) to indicate these in the Data List!

Edit:  I have worked out what must be the 40 +Audio styles and added them to the bottom of the spreadsheet now attached to this post.



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Thanks for the spreadsheet link. Thanks for adding the +Audio styles.  It looks like it is sorted by "category" then "style name" but in alphabetical order, which is a slightly different order than appears on the keyboard or in the Data List.  I don't know how to re-sort it so that it appears in the same order as the keyboard would display it.  Can you help? Thanks.



Look my list of styles , maybe this can help you
I have included Family, Style, Location, Name and tempo
Example of location 2B = page 2 button B
So you can sort by family and location to get the original order of the keybord
Hope this can help

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