Problem Loading Styles from a Floppy

Started by Skeezix, Mar 03, 2019, 02:06 PM

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Why is it that when I load styles from a floppy, the accompaniment and drum section change but the  tempo remains the same?


For the style tempo to change with the changing of the new style, you have to END the song (or STOP the style). Then when you load the next style the tempo will change to what ever the default tempo is set to use for the newly loaded style.


    Also, try this,  Hit button Direct Access, then either Tempo button, screen should show a selection of choices under Style Setting page, down near bottom right, a small screen under TEMPO gives you a choice of either       HOLD or RESET, 

Try going through a list of styles without stopping play under each of these two words.
RESET will allow each style to play at it's own marked tempo
HOLD makes the tempo stay at what you set first style.
Make a selection then EXIT out to your work page.
     Can be interesting.
     The wonders of the Direct Access button 8) ;D
