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Started by Alman, Feb 26, 2019, 09:46 AM

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sysxBank what is the midi code, can anyone explain it ...?


I haven't used Cakewalk SONAR in a while, but from what I remember I think a Sysx Bank is a group of SysEx messages that you've saved collectively as a group, or maybe that SONAR collected together into a group when you imported a MIDI file. If I still have the trial edition of SONAR installed, I'll look to see if that's right, or if it's something else.


Cakewalk Sonar centralizes the management of SysEx messages. See Views > Sysx.

A SysEx bank holds one to N SysEx messages. A bank can be named, making it easier to remember what's stored in the bank.

A bank can be sent automatically at the beginning or it can be programmed in as an event in the middle of a sequence. In the latter case, the Sonar "event" refers to the bank by its bank number. This means that you can create a single message or group of SysEx messages (i.e., a bank) and send the message(s) without having to make multiple copies of the same MIDI SysEx message(s) in multiple places.

I recommend reading Sonar's on-line help.

All the best -- pj



I remember that I was less than pleased at what happened when I imported a Standard MIDI File into SONAR, because it took all of the SysEx messages, regardless of where they were encountered in the file, and bundled them together separately from everything else.

Then when the imported data was played back, all of the SysEx messages were executed before any of the other data, such that any SysEx messages which had not come from the very beginning of the file were played back out of sequence, instead of being played back at the correct times.

When I looked for a solution, there was some setting which was supposed to be related to that, but turning on that setting didn't really solve the problem as I'd expected. If I remember correctly, what the setting controls is whether the SysEx messages are collected into a single group or into multiple groups called "banks." When I chose the "banks" option, the SysEx messages that were contiguous to each other were saved as a bank, as follows:

SysEx messages — bank 1
non-SysEx messages
SysEx messages — bank 2
non-SysEx messages
SysEx messages — bank 3
non-SysEx messages

That was great and would have worked perfectly, except SONAR didn't seem to automatically save the times when each SysEx bank was supposed to occur; they all still occurred at "time 0." I did have the ability to tell SONAR when I wanted each SysEx bank to be executed, but it was up to me to examine the original file in some other MIDI editor to figure out what times to use on the various SysEx banks!

That's how I remember it, anyway— but it was over a year ago, and SONAR isn't one of my DAWs; I was just working with the trial version to try to help someone— so I don't know whether there was a solution I never found, or whether the fact that I was using the trial version (which disables the Save features) had anything to do with it, etc.